Circulation & Perfusion
Hydration & Homeostasis

Which of the following represents the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide?

1. Ventilation

2. Respiration

3. Capnography

4. Spirometry

2. Respiration


Which of the following proteins carries oxygen throughout the blood?

1. Albumin

2. Plasma

3. Creatinine

4. Hemoglobin

4. Hemoglobin


Which nutritional goal is appropriate for a patient newly diagnosed with hypertension? The patient will:

1.    Limit intake of protein.

2.    Avoid foods containing gluten.

3.    Restrict intake of sodium.

4.    Reduce intake of potassium-rich foods.

3.    Restrict intake of sodium.


The nurse is caring for a client with heart failure. The client has chronic fluid volume excess secondary to ineffective pumping action of the heart. When teaching this client about fluid and electrolyte balance, which diet is most important for the nurse to explain?

1.    High-calcium

2.    Low-sodium

3.    Low-potassium

4.    High-magnesium

2.    Low-sodium


A patient who underwent a left above-the-knee amputation reports pain in the left foot. The nurse should document this finding as what type of pain?

1.    Psychogenic

2.    Phantom

3.    Referred

4.    Radiating

2.    Phantom


A stroke represents which type of abnormality that influences pulmonary function?

1. Pulmonary system abnormality

2. Pulmonary circulation abnormality

3. Central nervous system abnormality

4. Neuromuscular abnormality

4. Neuromuscular abnormality


Which of the following brings deoxygenated blood to the heart/lungs?

1. Arteries

2. Veins

3. Purkinje fibers

4. Baroreceptors

2. Veins


After inserting a nasogastric feeding tube, what should be the nurse’s priority action prior to starting the first tube feeding?

1.    Auscultate bowel sounds over the abdomen.

2.    Aspirate gastric contents and obtain a pH reading.

3.    Obtain radiographic verification (x-ray).

4.    Mix the feeding with water for the first feeding only.

3.    Obtain radiographic verification (x-ray).


The nurse assesses that their client’s intravenous solution has infiltrated into the tissues. What action should the nurse take first?

1.    Aspirate, and then inject 0.5 mL normal saline.

2.    Restart the IV line in a different vein.

3.    Stop the infusion immediately.

4.    Notify the primary care provider.

3.    Stop the infusion immediately.


A patient was prescribed a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), naproxen, for the treatment of arthritis and reports stomach upset after taking the medication. What should the nurse instruct the patient to do?

1.    Take the medication on an empty stomach.

2.    Take the medication with food.

3.    Take the medication with 8 ounces of water.

4.    Take the medication before bedtime.

2.    Take the medication with food.


Which of the following is a measure of air that moves into and out of the lungs?

1. Pulse oximetry

2. Capnography

3. Arterial blood gas

4. Spirometry

4. Spirometry


Which of the following represents the firing of the SA node and leads to atrial contraction?

1. P wave

2. QRS complex

3. T wave

4. U wave

1. P wave


For an elderly female client who is experiencing chronic nausea and weight loss, which laboratory result would the nurse recognize as being most consistent with a diagnosis of imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements?

1.    Serum glucose of 78 mg/dL

2.    Serum albumin of 3.2 g/dL

3.    Creatinine of 1 mg/dL

4.    Hemoglobin of 12.8 g/dL

2.    Serum albumin of 3.2 g/dL


Which of the following best describes the sodium-potassium pump that maintains the unique composition of extracellular and intracellular compartments?

1.    Diffusion

2.    Osmosis

3.    Filtration

4.    Active transport

4.    Active transport


The nurse is teaching a client who sustained an ankle injury about cold compress application. Which instruction should the nurse include in the teaching plan?

1.    Place the cold pack directly on the skin over the ankle.

2.    Apply the cold pack to the ankle for 30 minutes at a time.

3.    Check the skin frequently for extreme redness.

4.    Keep the cold pack in place for at least 24 hours.

3.    Check the skin frequently for extreme redness.


Which of the following nursing diagnoses describes a condition in which a client is unable to maintain breathing adequate to support life?

1. Airway Clearance Impairment

2. Breathing Pattern Impairment

3. Gas Exchange Impairment

4. Spontaneous Ventilation Impairment

4. Spontaneous Ventilation Impairment


The nurse is triaging clients in a busy emergency department. The nurse knows that chest pain should be treated seriously and accurately assessed. After assessment, which of the following clients reporting chest pain should be prioritized for intervention?

1.    42-year-old female reporting mild, intermittent chest pain and an “aching” jaw

2.    26-year-old male reporting right-sided chest pain that increases on inhalation

3.    53-year-old female receiving cancer treatment with unilateral calf swelling and warmth

4.    49-year-old male chronic smoker reporting chest pain after shoveling snow that has improved since coming to the hospital

1.    42-year-old female reporting mild, intermittent chest pain and an “aching” jaw


The nurse is caring for a patient with a significant history of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The nurse would be most interested in which of the following laboratory results?

1.    Lipoproteins, such as low-density and high-density lipoproteins (LDLs and HDLs)

2.    Fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3)

3.    B-complex vitamins

4.    Vitamin K

1.    Lipoproteins, such as low-density and high-density lipoproteins (LDLs and HDLs)


Which laboratory result on a client’s health record should alert the nurse to a potential problem?

1.    Sodium (Na+) = 137 mEq/L

2.    Potassium (K+) = 5.2 mEq/L

3.    Calcium (Ca2+) = 9.2 mg/dL

4.    Magnesium (Mg2+) = 1.8 mg/dL

2.    Potassium (K+) = 5.2 mEq/L


A nurse is working in the nursery and observes an infant crying after having a procedure. Which action would be appropriate for the nurse to take?

1.    Nothing, newborns are not as sensitive.

2.    Place the infant under a warmer.

3.    Administer oral sucrose.

4.    Give a pain injection.

3.    Administer oral sucrose.


Over-the-counter cough and cold medicines is not recommended for children until what age?

1. 2 years of age

2. 3 years of age

3. 4 years of age

4. 5 years of age

3. 4 years of age


The client diagnosed with inadequate closure of the mitral valve is scheduled for surgery and asks the nurse, “Why does it matter if my valve leaks?” What is the nurse’s best response to explain why this mitral valve needs to be repaired?

1.    “Blood backflows from the left ventricle to the left atrium, reducing available blood flowing to the body.”

2.    “Blood backflows from the right ventricle to the right atrium, reducing available blood flow to the lungs.”

3.    “Blood backflows from the aorta into the left ventricle, reducing blood pressure and causing dizziness.”

4.    “Blood backflows from the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle, reducing blood flow to the lungs.”

1.    “Blood backflows from the left ventricle to the left atrium, reducing available blood flowing to the body.”


The nurse notices that a patient has spoon-shaped, brittle nails. This suggests that the patient is experiencing imbalanced nutrition related to deficiency of which nutrient?

1.    Iron

2.    Vitamin A

3.    Protein

4.    Vitamin C

1.    Iron


The nurse is providing care to the adult client in the acute care center. When the nurse began to assess the client’s blood pressure, the client’s hand began to “cramp” and involuntarily flex. What is the possible answer to this phenomenon?

1.    The client is displaying signs of hyponatremia.

2.    The client is displaying signs of hypocalcemia.

3.    The client is displaying signs of hypokalemia.

4.    The client is displaying signs of hypophosphatemia.

2.    The client is displaying signs of hypocalcemia.

(This is called Trousseau's sign)


A patient reports using music therapy to help control their chronic pain. Music therapy works by prompting the release of endogenous opioids during which stage of the pain process?

1.    Perception

2.    Transduction

3.    Transmission

4.    Modulation

4.    Modulation
