Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Fundamentals Defined
Life Cycle
Health Promotion/injury prevention
Fundamentals Misc

This is a national program that offers updated incentives every 10 years to assist Americans in achieving optimal health.

What is Healthy People?

Failure to provide care, food, clothing and shelter is known as this.
What is neglect?
A decrease in touch, smell, taste sensations, muscle strength and tone are major physical changes related to this normal process.
What is aging?
Scoliosis assessment, obesity prevention, substance abuse prevention, and stranger awareness should be done starting in this group.
What is school-age?
A child living with her mother, father and sister lives in a family unit known as this.
What is a nuclear family?
According to Erikson, Initmacy vs. Isolation is a developmental task associated with this age group.
What are early adults?
Child launching, post parenting, and aging are all part of this family stage.
What is the contracting stage?
A 10-month-old baby's ability to roll from back to front, sit unsupported and bear weight on legs is an example of this type of motor skill.
What is gross motor skill?
Removing throw rugs, ensuring adequate lighting and installing grab bars, and handrails on stairs, are safety recommendations for this specific age group.
What are older adults?
A hospitalized female refusing to be cared for by a male healthcare provider is exerting this right.
What is the right to privacy?
According to Erikson, a 68-year-old adult faces this psychosocial developmental challenge?
What is Generativity vs. Self-absorption?
A three generational family is also known as this type of family.
What is an extended family?
Mottling, mucus collecting in large airways, decreased recognition of loved ones with visions, and decreased urine output are signs of this.
What is impending death?
Wearing helmets while skiing, securing firearms in a safe location and installing carbon monoxide detectors are safety measures recommended specifically for this age group.
What are younger adults?
Moodiness is a typical emotional response within this age group.
What is (early) adolescence?
Trust in primary care givers is the most important psycho-social challenge experienced by this group.
What is the infant?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression & Acceptance are Kubler-Ross' definition of the stages of:
What is grief?
An elderly man with dementia asks his visiting son "Are you the gardener?" This elderly man's behavior is described as this.
What is disorientation?
Assessing an elderly client's long term memory is best done by asking them this.
What is your date of birth?
A strategy to establish a good interview relationship with adolescents is for the nurse to ask this type of question.
What is an open-ended question?
Independence is most important to toddlers who attempt to do everything for themselves. Erikson refers to this stage of psychosocial development as this.
What is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt?
This type of care is designed to support the terminally ill client and family as the client progresses toward death.
What is Hospice care?
Coloring with crayons, assembling puzzles, and using musical toys are appropriate play activities for this group.
What are preschoolers?
Suggesting that an elderly woman increase her consumption of raw vegetables is made when the client exhibits this.
What is constipation?
A key concept related to the stages of growth and development is that individuals experience it at this pace.
What is their own pace?