Vital Signs
Physical Assessment
Infection Control
Nursing Process
1.Check the apical pulse for 60 seconds and note any pulse deficits. 2. Anatomic landmark of point of maximum impulse
What do you check when there is an irregular pulse? What is located in the 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line?
1.Wet,crinkly sounds heard on auscultation
What are rales or crackles (moisture in the lungs)
1.Prodromal stage 2. Incubation stage.
1.What is the short period of time called just before an illness begins. 2. What is time from entry of organism to onset of symptoms, and can be contagious?
Using Critical thinking skills to organize care for the patient
What is a nursing care plan?
The act of Teaching a patient what to expect during and after a diagnostic test
What is an independent nursing action?
1. A difference of 10mmHG in blood pressure between the right and left arms. 2. 146/90
1. What is a normal occurrence in many adults? 2. What is the first stage of hypertension?
1. Inspection, Palpation,Percussion and Auscultation 2. Diarrhea
1.What is the correct order of physical assessment? 2.What is an abdomen assessment?
1.Administration of intravenous medication 2.Barrier gloves
1.What is the use of surgical asepsis? 2. What are the type of gloves used for medical asepsis?
Gathers data,organizes and documents data in a logical ways
What is the assessment phase of the nursing process?
An area of reddened skin that does not blanch with fingertip pressure
What is a Stage I pressure ulcer?
1.95-100% 2. 85%
1.What is the expected reference range for oxygen saturation (SaO2)? 2. What is an abnormal SaO2?
1. Febrile 2. Afebrile
1.What is a description of a person whose temperature is above 101? 2. What is a description of a person whose temperature is between 96-100 degree?
1.Naturally acquired passive immunity 2. Artificially acquired immunity
1.What is the type of immunity obtained from mother to child? 2.what is the type of immunity that will help a person create antibodies in the future if they are exposed to the disease?
Diagnostic labels formulated by the the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
What is NANDA?
1.Patient complains of headache and hunger. 2.Patient has BP of 150/90, AR of 84,swelling of legs
1.What is subjective data or what is a subjective complaint? 2. what is objective data?
Rate, rhythm,strength, equality
What are the ways to assess the heart rate?
1.Press fingers into the tissue and check for indentation 2. +4
1. How do you assess for edema? 2. What is the most severe form of edema.?
Redness, warmth of area, edema, sometimes pain and loss of use of affected part
What are the the signs and symptoms of Inflammation?
Used as a basis of care throughout the hospital stay
What is a nursing care plan?
Upon discharge, A nurse teaches a patient how to change their colostomy bag, helping achieve one of the patient's needs
What is the rung of Maslow's hierarchy that helps promote independence and self esteem?
Constant, intermittent,Remittent,Relapsing
What are fever patterns?
Decrease in blood pressure, increase in pulse ,increase in respirations,sense of apprehension,cold, clammy skin
What are the signs of shock?
For a post operative patient, repositioning q 2 hrs., coughing and deep breathing q 2 hours
What are the most effective nursing interventions to help decrease the chances of a HAI (Healthcare Associated Infection)?
Checking to see the effect of pain medication that was administered 45 min ago
What is the evaluation stage of the nursing process?
Secure ties in back to prevent falling,use a slip knot or half-bow knot to secure protective device to the chair,provide PROM as needed
What are guidelines for using a protective device vest?