What is MRSA?
An organism which is resistant to antimicrobials.
Who is our Safety Officer and how can he be reached?
Dallas Crowe ext: 71477
How often should Clarine's oxygen concentrator be checked?
Every half hour.
Who is responsible for RC?
Everyone! Lisa will do RC between med passes. CNA's are responsible for assisting Lisa as needed. CNA's are responsible for ambulating the residents on the walking list.
What type of splints should Dwight be wearing?
Soft palm protectors with finger seperators to left hand. Wear when up in w/c. Resting hand splint worn every night.
How do we identify a resident who has MRSA?
Team sheets, Notation on residents chart, Added to diagnosis list.
Where are the sharps and biohazard containers located?
West dirty utility room.
What would you do if you walked into Clarine's room and found that her oxygen was off?
Put oxygen back on and get the charge immediately. Charge nurse must do a respiratory assessment. Document in ECS. Also, write it down on the half hour sheet in Clarine's room.
What type of spint should Knute be wearing? When should he be wearing it?
Soft palm protectors with finger seperators. On when his is in bed, remove when up in chair.
What diet is Dwight Kuhrt on?
Dysphagia 1B-Finely mashed.
How do we prevent the spread of MRSA?
Wash hands. Wear gloves. Gowns when coming in contact with the resident's MRSA site. Goggles should be worn if there is any chance of splattering.
What do we do if an employee is injured at work?
Report injury to charge nurse. Send to clinic or ER if needed. Fill out appropriate paper work. Give to DON.
Name the resident's who currently wear Prevalon boots?
Alma, Elaine, Ethel
What type of splints should Elaine be wearing? When?
Resting hand splin to right hand every night. Soft palm protector with finger seperators when in bed during the day. Elevating arm rest.
What diet is currently ordered for Helen?
Dysphagia 1B with thin liquids.
What do we do with laundry of a resident who has MRSA?
Soiled clothes belonging to the resident with MRSA must be tied in a red bag and brought out of the room right away. This laundry is laundered by this facility. The linens should be collected in the resident's room and placed in a yellow bag before bringing to dirty utility room. The linens are sent out to a commercial laundry facility.
If you come across a piece of equipment that is not functioning correctly, what would you do?
Take the equipment off the floor. Mark with out of service tag. Fill out a maintenace request.
What measures are we taking to decrease the amount of bruising and skin tears to Alma?
1. Do not turn resident without a draw sheet 2. Prevalon boots at all times 3. Be very careful with transfers
What type of splints should Marjorie be wearing?
Palm protectors when laying down in bed.
What diet is Alma on?
Soft diet with Kennedy cup. May have thin liquids.
How do we handle the trash?
Trash will be handled the same as in other resident's rooms. However, if there are materials with drainage, those items should be placed in a red biohazard bag and placed in the red biohazard container located in the West dirty utility room.
What should you do before returning oxygen cylinders to the Medical Gas Supply closet in the EMT garage?
Wipe them down with a Sani wipe.
Elaine has a ulcer to her coccyx. Should she be able to attend an activity even though she has been up for awhile?
YES! Resident should be able to go to the activities of her choice. Try to lay down between activities.
What type of splint should Helen be wearing?
Left hand palm protector. In bed during day and night.
What diet is Marjorie Shortess on?
Dysphagia 1A. Thinned to consistency no thicker than honey thick. Continue with think liquid in kennedy cup, if she is unable to draw thin liquids up through a straw, administer with spoon.