Type of wound drain that provides closed suction.
What is a Jackson-Pratt, wound vac or a Hemovac? Will except any one of those answers.
Check compatibility between IV fluids and IV piggyback medication.
What should the nurse do before hanging an IV piggyback medication?
Two appropriate reasons for inserting an indwelling foley catheter.
What is urinary retention, neurogenic bladder, end of life care, extended surgical procedure or strict I&O in critical care patient? Will take any two.
Type of IV solution that 0.9% Sodium chloride (normal saline) is.
What is isotonic?
Number of units an insulin syringe holds.
What is 50 or 100 units?
Type of drainage that contains white blood cells, tissue debris and has a foul odor.
What is purulent drainage?
Park Lane, London
What is where Florence Nightingale was born?
May 12, 1820
Happy 204th birthday Florence!!
Two actions that a nurse can take to prevent accidental needle sticks.
What use a vanishpoint or saftey needle and never recap a used needle?
Aspiration is the most common complication.
What is a feeding tube or NG or G-tube?
Triple lumens, portacaths, infusaport, PICC line, tunneled catheter
What are Central Venous Access Devices (CVADs)?