Where one could find and print downtime forms
What is Infonet? (Epic Downtime Resources)
Second step after your idea was approved by your nursing leader
(ex: PCD, DON, CM, Program Coordinator)
How do I submit a NIC Agenda Topic Request Form? (Acceptable: Request Smartsheet)
Meeting location
Where is Greenberg 14 South conference?
Attendees with an interest to pursue or actively attending a graduate level education in the field
Who are (prospective) nursing informatics students?
What is Rover documentation?
Located on every unit, the computer with a red mouse/keyboard
What is a Downtime Computer?
Prep work after reaching out to NIC but before the next meeting
How do I complete a NIC Request PowerPoint template?
Meeting time
When is the second Wednesday of the month at 9AM?
Interacting with others to exchange information and/or develop professional contacts
What is networking?
Entering data into particular nursing flowsheets from this common area on Epic
What is Brain documentation?
How one can access a patient’s charts during Downtime.
What is Epic Read Only (ERO)?
Obtaining _[this]_ upon pitching your idea for corporate consideration
What is an approval from local NIC?
80% attendance over 2 years is required for this promotion consideration
What is clinical ladder?
A main component of NIC's monthly agenda
What are Epic optimization requests?
Beep beeps, ring rings, ding dings...so annoying!
What is review alarm necessity? OR
What is decrease alarm fatigue?
Where one could revisit e-module "Epic Downtime Resources Training"
Where is Workday?
Your representative to further escalate your idea in corporate
Who are my nurse leaders? (Acceptable: PCD, DON, CM, or Program Coordinator)
AKA Epic Tipsheets - for when you want tips on what's available on EPIC for you
What are KnowIT sheets?
Ex: AI integration in healthcare, Virtual ICU, Robot Companions, virtual reality in nursing education
What are current trends in health/nursing informatics?
Promote safe practices towards medication administration with use of technology
What is barcode medication administration (BCMA) scan compliance?
Omnicell's first step to enter new patient manually
What is "Patient Care" button? (leftmost button)
The team that tracks, approves/provide recommendations, communicates changes, and monitors the status of each request from beginning to end.
Who are corporate NIC? (Corporate NI Team)
Our expert liaison from local NIC to corporate level. She also disseminates the latest technological changes, EPIC updates, and upcoming ones.
Who is Ellen Arigorat?
Ex: Virtual nursing, Meds to Bed pilot program for discharge, AI integration with fetal heart monitoring and mother's vitals, Nursing Informatics Summit, Phillips Evergreen+, Keriton in mother-baby, Cerner Labs to Epic Beaker switchover
What are current nursing informatics initiatives at NYP?
Creating a consistency for how nurses chart- blood transfusion, basic assessments, line assessments, CHG bathing and linen change
What is standardizing nursing documentation?