Order: Cephalexin (Keflex) 750mg P.O. q12 hours. The pharmacy stocks 250mg tabs. How many tabs should be administered per dose?
3 tablets
What does PPE stand for?
Personal protective equipment
What measures oxygen saturation?
Pulse oximeter
Name 3 medication rights
Right patient, medication, dose, time, route.
How many lobes are in the adult human lungs?
How many Kg are in 99lbs?
What two things does GTT stand for?
drops and glucose tolerance test
A 5yo admitted 3 days ago has enuresis. His mom says, “he hasn’t done that in years!” How should the RN respond MOST appropriate?
“It is very common for kids who have been admitted to the hospital to experience regression, where they fall back on old childhood habits. It is usually temporary.”
Name three routes for drug administration
Oral, topical, IV, IM, SQ, inhaled, parenteral
The RN is caring for a pt w/ Meniere’s disease. The RN knows the most important consideration in regard for pt safety is
Ask the CNA to walk with the patient when she needs to use the bathroom.
Heparin 7500u subq q 12 hours is ordered. Pharmacy provides a vial w/ a concentration of 5000 u/mL. How many mL will you need to administer 7500 units?
1.5 ml
What does SBAR stand for and what is it used for?
Situation, background, assessment, and recommendations. Used for ease of conversation between health professionals.
The nurse is caring for a patient with pneumonia using ________ precautions.
A pt w/ a crush injury to arm calls the RN for pain meds, which the RN gives. An hour later, the pt is still complaining of pain. What action does the RN take next?
Ask the patient to describe the pain in quality and intensity.
How many milliliters are in 3 teaspoons?
Name an example of an NSAID
Ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, ketoralac (Toradol)
The nurse needs to perform a Weber test. What piece of equipment would she look for?
A tuning fork
The nurse teaches a 20-year-old female how to perform SBE (self-breast exams). What instructions, should the nurse give?
SBE is 1 wk after onset of period, hormones are lowest. Hormonal changes during the month make breast tissue tender/enlarged.
What is the main function of platelets?
To clot
A pt weighs 110lbs. The provider ordered a dose of 2mg/kg/day of a med. How many mg will the pt get per day?
What does PERRLA stand for?
Pupils are equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation.
A sphygmomanometer is used to measure what?
Name at least 5 of the necessary components of a medication order
Patient name, date & time of the order, drug name, dose, route, frequency, signature of who is ordering med
What are the two components used to document edema?
1, 2, or 3 +
Pitting or non-pitting