Legal Terminology
A nurse is taking care of 4 different patients on her unit. She recognizes that she was supposed to give one of her patients their medicine at 1130. It is now 1300, the nurse decides she’ll give the medication at 1330 since it needs to administered every two hours. In which way did malpractice occur?
What is omission Reason: because the nurse realized she made a mistake and instead of promptly taking action she decided to skip the patients round of medication.
HIPPA is an acronym that stands for
What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act? Reason: Chapter 4 pg. 77 (professional concepts)
Skills and learning commonly possessed by members of a profession. Evaluates the quality of care nurses provide and protects the consumer
What is standards of care
What notice describes the way we use, disclose and safeguard patient information and that explains how can obtain a copy of information from our records about your care
What is Notice of Privacy Practice Reason: as stated by , "Your health care provider and health plan must give you a notice that tells you how they may use and share your health information and how you can exercise your health privacy rights."
A 29-year-old patient with Cushing's disease is admitted to the intensive care unit after sustaining multiple abdominal lacerations from a motor vehicle accident. Which of the following nursing diagnoses takes highest priority? A. Risk for injury B. Ineffective health maintenance C. Risk for infection D. Risk for imbalanced nutrition
What is C. Risk for infection REASONING •Cushing's disease causes immunosuppression due to excess cortisol secretion. The patient is at an elevated risk for infection after sustaining multiple wounds.
Can a physician decide whether the standards of care are met for a nurse?
What is NO Reason: only nurses can dictate whether standards of care were met for nurses
This law was originated to protect electronic data
What is HIPAA Reason: HIPPA was set up to protect the privacy of patients medical records in all forms including electronic data.
Nurse has an obligation to practice and direct the practice of others so that harm or injury to a client is prevented and standards of care are followed
What is Nursing Liability
Name one of the three major conditions for informed consent
What is consent must be given voluntarily, consent must be given by an individual with the capacity and competence to understand, the patient must be given enough information to the ultimate decision maker. Reason: it is the patients right to understand what is happening as well as have adequate information to make an informed decision about their care
The nurse is caring for a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). To evaluate for early signs of Kaposi's sarcoma, the nurse assesses the patient for lesions that are: A. Bilateral, papular, nonpruritic, and pink, brown, or violet B. Bilateral, flat, pruritic, and brown C. Unilateral, papular, nonpruritic, and pink, brown, or violet D. Unilateral, flat, nonpruritic, and pink, brown, or violet
What is A. Bilateral, papular, nonpruritic, and pink, brown, or violet Reason: Cutaneous lesions associated with Kaposi's sarcoma are usually papular (but may be macular or nodular), nonpruritic, bilateral, and pink, brown, or violet.
Name 3 of the 6 major categories in which negligence occurs
What is: a. Failure to follow standard of care b. Failure to use equipment in a responsible manner c. Failure to communicate d. Failure to document e. Failure to assess and monitor f. Failure to act as a patient advocate Reason: chapter 4 box 4-3
PHI (protected health information) should never be disposed of in this container
What is a trashcan? Reason: PHI should always be disposed of in a shredder to protect the privacy of the patient.
An agreement by a client to accept a course of treatment or a procedure after being provided complete information
What is Informed Consent
The patient care partnership replaced what document
What is what is the patients bill of rights Reason: because it was felt that there should be a relationship between the patient and nurse to create better patient care.
A patient's chest x-ray indicates acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The nurse understands that this condition results from: A. Pulmonary hypertension B. Severe acidosis C. Pulmonary edema D. Increased permeability of pulmonary capillaries
What is D. Increased permeability of pulmonary capillaries Reason: Increased permeability of pulmonary capillaries is a hallmark of ARDS.
A nurse is now being tried for potential negligence that occurred 6 months ago, If the act committed is negligent now but was not negligent then, can the nurse still be tried for negligence? Why?
What is No Reasoning: We must judge a negligent act by the rules and regulations when the act was committed. We can not base an act on current rules if they were not current at the time.
Benefits of HIPAA
What is protects individuals from having their patient information shared with inappropriate parties? Reason: There are many advantages to HIPPA, however this is the one we find most important because with out HIPPA we wouldn't be able to insure the privacy of our patients.
Misconduct or practice that is below the standard expected fro an ordinary, reasonable, and prudent person. Such conduct places another person at risk for harm
What is Negligence
What is the major role of a nurse in informed consent?
What is act as a witness reason: it is not the responsibility of the nurse to inform the patient of what is taking place instead it is there job to make sure the doctor takes the time to explain what is happening so they can make an informed decision
A patient prescribed labetalol 100 mg twice a day is scheduled to receive hemodialysis. The nurse should administer the labetolol: A. After dialysis B. Before dialysis C. During dialysis D. 12 hours after dialysis
What is A. After dialysis Reason: Antihypertensive medications should be administered after the patient receives hemodialysis to avoid hypotension during the procedure. Also, medications are often removed from the blood stream during hemodialysis.
This outmoded doctrine implies that the physician is ultimately in charge of all patient care and thus should be responsible financially
What is Captain of the ship Reason: this doctrine doesn't play a significant role in legal proceedings because as nurses we are help to a high standard of patient care and if we do not do so it does not fall on the physician.
Name, Address, Admission Dates, Social Security Numbers, birth dates, clinical notes, medical record numbers are what type of information and how should it be disposed of?
What is examples of PHI (Protected Health Information) and they should be shredded. reason: we must insure that information that is thrown out is completely destroyed so they are not seen by inappropriate parties.
Process of determining and maintaining competence in nursing practice. A way in which the nursing profession maintains standards of practice and accountability for educational preparation of its members
What is Credentialing
Whats is the first nursing standard of practice
What is Assessment reason: it is important to make sure we assess the patient so we are able to make an informed decision about there patient care.
The mother of a 2-year-old girl tells the emergency room nurse that she found the child playing with an empty bottle of aspirin and that there were pieces of aspirin in her mouth. The nurse should observe the child for symptoms of salicylate poisoning, which include? Select all that apply. A. Diplopia B. Facial flushing C. Tachycardia D. Photophobia E. Hyperventilation F. Tremors
What is C. Tachycardia, E. Hyperventilation, and F. Tremors REASONING: •Hyperventilation is a symptom of salicylate poisoning that causes loss of carbon dioxide and respiratory alkalosis. Other symptoms include tinnitus, tachycardia, hypotension, arrhythmias, CNS depression, tremors, nausea and vomiting. •Aspirin causes hyperventilation, leading to respiratory alkalosis. After the kidney's compensate by excreting bicarbonate, metabolic acidosis may occur due to over compensation. •The incidence of children ingesting poisonous substances requires teaching parents measures to keep household cleaning agents and medications out of the reach of children.