Nursing Manual
Dress Code
Clinical Assignments

What are the rules regarding professionalism?

Students are expected to ALWAYS conduct themselves in a professional manner.  Any student whose conduct violates the rules of professionalism as outlined in this handbook, the Student Handbook, the state Nursing Practice Act, and/or the ANA Code of Conduct will be subject to discipline up to and including removal from the classroom or clinical area and may be referred to Code of Conduct proceedings.


When are Carrington scrubs required to be worn?

In all skills, simulation, and clinical settings including appropriate shoes. 

Carrington Scrub bottoms with Carrington issued t-shirt is approved for classroom only. 


How do I keep track of my clinical hours?

You will fill out a Clinical Time sheet at the end of each clinical day in your post-conference with your clinical instructor. After the instructor signs your timesheet for the day, you take a picture of the time sheet after each shift and upload it to Canvas to track your clincial time. Bring extra copies of your timesheets to all clinical days in case you forget it


How will I know where I am assigned to my clinical rotation?

You will get an email from me regarding clinical placement each semester.

If you have extreme extenuating circumstances that will prevent you from being successful without consideration, those need to be discussed with the Dean at least 2 months before clinical placements are finalized


If I am going to be late due to traffic or sleeping through my alarm what do I do?

Students should arrive at the clinical site at the assigned time. Students who arrive late may be dismissed from clinical for that day.

Reach out to your clinical instructor immediately if you anticipate you will be late. Your clinical instructor will direct you if you may arrive late and reflect the tardy in your time sheet and SSP. 


Where can I find information about progression policies? 

Academic Catalog

Minimum grade=75% to pass

Students who must repeat a course are subject to seat and clinical availability and GPA ranking.

Students will be withdrawn from the program should either of the following thresholds occur:

Less than 2.0 term GPA 

Maximum of 3 Withdrawl grades


What shoes are allowed?

Shoes: Predominantly white/black/grey in color, clean, closed-toed, and low-heeled, and predominately free of advertising logos must be worn in the clinical setting. 

The footwear is to have non-skid soles, clean laces and a solid vinyl or leather top. 

No backless clogs or shoes, open toes or open-heel shoes are permitted. Socks must be worn. 

At no time will sandals, slippers, or flip-flops be permitted footwear on campus or clinical.


What do I need to turn in for my clinical assignments?

You will be required to completed 2 care plans during your Fundamentals rotation.

You will complete care plan# 1 after completing about 4 shifts on site and you will complete care plan #2 at the end of the rotation. 

You will also need to do a daily SBAR as required by your clinical instructor 


When will I receive information regarding my clinical rotation such as when to arrive, where to park?

You will receive an Intro email from your assigned clinical instructor 1-2 weeks before the first day of your clinical rotation.

They will include in your intro email:

Where to park, if there is a place to store a lunch on site or if there is a cafeteria where you can purchase lunch, what time to arrive, where you will meet, what you need to bring with you


How will I know when my compliance items are expiring?

It is the student’s responsibility to maintain their own health requirements throughout the program. If they expire at any time during a semester, it is the student’s responsibility to provide proof of a current requirement. If this is not met, the student will be prohibited from attending clinical and will not progress in the program

My Clinical Exchange will send a reminder of an expiring item 30 days before the expiration date. Don't ignore reminder emails from My clinical Exchange.


What are the expectations of the Student in the Nursing Program?

Carrington Nursing Manual Page 9.

The student is expected to: 

1. Develop the appropriate study skills necessary to be successful, considering one’s own cultural and ethnic background, learning styles and goals.

2. Engage in the learning process using critical thinking skills. 

3. Work independently and interdependently in multiple and varied learning experiences. 

4. Increase awareness of their and other’s knowledge and behaviors, and how they affect nursing practice. 

5. Accept change as a process and product of learning acquisition. 

6. Demonstrate commitment to the knowledge and continued learning skills and attitudes inherent in the practice of professional nursing. 

7. Engage in the ongoing process of evaluation and continued learning. 

8. Develop an approach to learning that will assist in creating and planning an organized balance in life by developing a support system.


What things MUST I have at clinical or I will be sent home?

STUDENT ID is REQUIRED! You will be sent home if you do not have one

 • Undershirts worn under scrub tops must be a neutral color.  

• Students may wear an approved uniform jacket.

• Plugs, if worn, may be solid, flesh-toned or clear

• No necklaces in the clinical setting for safety reasons.  

 • No false eyelashes 

 • Other mandatory items are considered part of the dress code: 

 Black ballpoint pen. 



 Bandage scissors. 

Watch with second-hand (waterproof recommended). 

Necessary books (drug/medication book) and papers/forms.


How will I know if I pass my clinical rotation ?

You will do a Midterm Clinical Evaluation with your clinical instructor around week 4 of your rotation. At that time your instructor will go over any expectations you are not meeting and discuss a plan for improvement. 

You will have a Final Clinical Evaluation at the end of your clinical rotation and the instructor will discuss if you have successfully passed clinical. 

Clinical Evaluations are completed on site, in person and signed by both the clinical instructor and student.

Clinical component of the class is Pass/Fail


If I have an emergency and can't attend clinical, what do I do?

Carrington Nursing Manual Page 26

If an absence from clinical is unavoidable, the student must personally call AND email the clinical instructor at least one-hour prior to the beginning of the scheduled clinical. Notifying the instructor through another student or text message is not acceptable.


After I have been passed off a skill in skills lab, can I perform this skill independently on a patient?

Student’s skills must be checked off in the laboratory setting prior to being attempted in the clinical setting. 

Each student will bring their own skills check off list to the clinical setting each clinical day.

Each student will be supervised by the instructor in all procedures while in the clinical area until the instructor determines the student can perform them safely with the reference nurse. At no time will a student perform a procedure without an instructor or reference nurse present.


Which classes have a clinical component?

NUR 130-Fundamentals of Nursing

NUR 243-Medical/Surgical Nursing II

NUR 209-Community and Mental Health Nursing

NUR 247-Maternal Child Nursing

NUR 251-Medical/Surgical Nursing III

NUR 240-Pediatric Nursing

NUR 261-Medical/Surgical Nursing IV (Critical Care)


What do I do about my tattoos?

Carrington will no longer be enforcing policy to cover tattoos beginning with Fall 2024 Semester.

Facility policy will still apply, if a clinical location prohibits visible tattoos they must be covered. 

Any tattoo that is offensive will be required to be covered.


How will I get the information needed for my care plan?

You may be given EMR access on site to retrieve patient information needed for your care plan. If you are not given access, your clinical instructor can help you access the information needed with the assistance of the nurse you are assigned to.


If I have a needle stick at clinical, what do I do?

If you have a needlestick or any injury, tell your clinical instructor right away.

Your instructor will coordinate with the charge nurse to follow the process at that facility to treat your injury and follow up if needed.


I have a problem with the nurse I am assigned to at the clinical site, what do I do?

You will follow your chain of command

Find your clinical instructor and discuss the situation with them first. They may be able to offer another nurse/unit/activity.

Chain of command: Instructor, Clinical Coordinator, Assistant Dean of Nursing, Dean of Nursing, Campus Director


Where can I find the Nursing Manual or Student Handbook for Carrington?

From main homepage:

Click About

Click Student Handbook

Click Nursing Manual


Can I have acryclic nails or false eyelashes? 

Carrington Nursing Manual page 25

Nails: Must be natural nails that are clean, short (less than ¼” long) and neatly trimmed. No nail polish is allowed for the clinical setting or simulation setting (no clear, lacquer, gel or acrylic). 

No false eyelashes allowed


If I fail Clinical but pass Theory and Skills lab can I retake just Clinical?

Carrington Nursing Manual page 28

Clinical failure will result in a grade of ‘F’ for course regardless of scores in theory. 

Student will be required to retake both the clinical and theory portion of the course.


How many hours are we on site daily and what are our clinical hour requirements

You will be on site for 12 hours per shift. You will arrive before morning report begins and leave the unit to meet for post-conference with your clinical instructor in the evening. 

Fundamentals and Med/Surg rotations require 90 hour on site minimum to meet your clinical requirement.

Specialty rotations require 45 hour minimum to meet your clinical requirement.


I have additional questions, who can I go to?

You are each assigned a faculty mentor/advisor.

They can help you find answers, offer support, direct you to your resources.

Clinical questions-Emily Patton

Fundamentals class/skills lab questions-Carrie Foundation

Pharmacology questions-Alina Luca

Student concerns-Assistant Dean Kilpatrick
