What nurse that shares a last name with a small bird is perhaps one of the most famous nurses of all times? She braved harsh conditions on the battlefield during the Crimean War and advocated hygiene?

a. Florence Meadowlark

b. Florence Nightingale

c. Dorthea Dix

d. Mary Canary

b. Florence Nightingale

Also, named after her birthplace Florence Italy, she was a trailblazing figure in the world of nursing, making a great impact in the policies around proper care.


As of September 2016, there were how many professionally active registered nurses (RNs) in the United States?

a. 3,200

b. 3.2 million

c. 3.2 billion

d. 320,000

a. 3.2 million


When you are caring for a patient,should you also care for the patient's friends and family, for example, by taking an interest in them?

a. No

b. That doesn't even make sense

c. Maybe

d. Yes

d. Yes


Friends and family members are the patient's support system. We can learn a lot about the patient by learning about their support system.


Means farthest from the center.

a. Proximal

b. Distal

c. Lateral

d. Inferior

b. Distal


Which volunteer nurse for a Union Hospital during the Civil War was the wife of a United States President? She was born in Lexington Kentucky, but moved to Springfield Illinois when she married. 

a. Elizabeth Johnson

b. Mary Todd Lincoln

c. Abigail Adams

d. Betsy Ross

b. Mary Todd Lincoln

Mrs. Lincoln played a major role in keeping soldier's spirits high by visiting them and making rounds. When the war ended she backed the establishment of a nursing corps.


When asked to rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in various professions in a 2016 Gallop poll, Americans ranked nurses as:

a. Least trustworthy

b. Somewhat trustworthy

c. Most trustworthy

c. Most trustworthy


I am a new graduate nurse. What state board exam do I have to pass to receive my R.N.?






Stands for National Council Licensure Exam


Suffix means it is related to blood:

a. oid

b. itis

c. emia

d. algia

c. emia

Example: hypoglycemia, anemia


Who was the first African-American registered nurse? She graduated from the New England Hospital for Women and Children Training School for Nurses in 1879?

a. Shirley Chisholm

b. Shirley Temple

c. Mary Eliza Mahoney

d. Edith Cavell

c. Mary Eliza Mahony

In 1908, Mahoney co-founded the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses (NACGN). This organization had a significant influence on eliminating racial discrimination in the registered nursing progression. Later in 1951 it merged with American Nurses Association (ANA).


The nursing industry reports the second highest number of non-fatal work-related injuries in the country and the highest incidence of:

a. Abdominal distress

b. Needle-sticks

c. Musculoskeletal injuries

c. Musculoskeletal injuries


You are administering medication to your patient. Which of these should you NOT do>

a. Give a medication that you, yourself, did not check for accuracy

b. Confirm right route, medication, and dose

c. Check patient's wristband and taking note of their allergies

d. Explain to the patient which medication they are receiving

a. Give a medication that you, yourself, did not check for accuracy


Patient safety is first priority when caring for a patient. Medication Administration errors comprise a significant portion of all errors.


Prefix that means bad, painful or difficult:

a. Iso

b. Eu

c. Mal

d. Dys

d. Dys

Example is dyslexia, dyspnea


Which English nurse was the head of a nursing school and Red Cross hospital during the German occupation of Belgium during World War I? She helped over 200 allied soldiers escape from occupied territory and was later arrested and executed.

a. Dolly Madison

b. Clara Barton

c. Ellen Carson

d. Edith Cavell

d. Edith Cavell

She was accused of treason and sentenced to death. She was 49 years old at the time of her execution. She was quoted as saying "I can't stop while there are lives to be saved." 


In 1970, men accounted for only 2.7% of registered nurses in the US. As of most recent census, male RN's make up nearly what percent of the nursing workforce?

a. 25%

b. 10%

c. 2.5%

d. 20%

b. 10%


The sores patients can get from lack of ambulation are called?

a. All of these-they mean the same thing

b. Pressure ulcers

c. Decubitus ulcers

d. Bed sore

a. All of these-they mean the same thing. 


Patients develop tissue injury to areas of the body due to constant pressure and lack of blood flow. It takes less than a day to start tissue breakdown whether it is laying in flat in a bed, pressure from a piece of equipment, or sitting up with constant pressure on the coccyx area. 


A surgical suffix that means removal or excision:

a. ostomy

b. oplasty

c. ectomy

c. ectomy

Example is hysterectomy or appendectomy


She is known for her patient advocacy of the improvement of the condition of jails and mental asylums in North America and Europe. She was 59 years old when she offered her services to the Union Army during the Civil War earning the nickname 'Dragon Dix" because she clashed with military officials due to her strict ways.

a. Angie Dickinson

b Dorthea Lynde Dix

c. Hilary Dickory

d. Jeanne Dixson

b. Dorthea Lynde Dix

She was instrumental in the founding of the first public mental hospital in Pennsylvania, the Harrisburg State Hospital. She clashed with army doctors due to surgeons not wanting female nurses in their hospitals. She implemented the Federal army nursing program in which over 3,000 women would eventually serve. 


As the population ages, there will be more demand for nursing specialties. Nurses with BSN degrees will increase from 50% to what percent by 2020?

a. 55%

b. 80%

c. 75%

b. 80%


Your patient has just learned that she has breast cancer. She is crushed. What is your best response to the situation?

a. Ask if she would like you to sit with her during this difficult time, and tell her you are available if she has questions or needs to talk.

b. Give informative pamphlets, express sympathy, and excuse yourself so you can care for your other patients

c. Leave her alone to grieve

d. Tell her "don't worry, everything will be okay, you have a great oncologist

a. Ask if she would like you to sit with her during this difficult time, and tell her you are available if she has questions or needs to talk.


Holistic nursing means to take care of all aspects of patient's needs. This includes mind, body, spirit, emotion, and environment. 


When a person is out of surgery and recovering this is called:

a. Pre-operative

b. Post-operative

c. Peri-operative

b. Post-operative
