Nursing Caps
Nursing Scrubs
Nursing Face Shield
Nursing Break
Nursing Shoes

An example of an intentional tort would be



Breach of duty

False imprisonment

False imprisonment is a wrong committed by one person against another in a willful intenional way without just cause and /or excuse.


When preparing a client for ambulation with crutches, the nurse should recognize the need for further teaching when the client states, "I must practice:

Sitting down and standing up."

Ambulating several hours a day."

Standing and maintaining balance."

Doing active exercises for muscle strengthening."

Ambulating several hours a day."


A client who has breast cancer has received chemotherapy and a lumpectomy. She is now scheduled for radiation on an outpatient basis. The nurse should:

Assess the radiated site daily for redness or irritation

Rinse the radiated site once a day with an antibacterial solution

Encourage the client to wear a snug fitting bra between treatments

Instruct the client to apply lotion twice daily to the skin in the radiated site.

Assess the radiated site daily for redness or irritation


A client on the psychiatric unit who begins a regimen of haloperidol is observed pacing and shifting weight from one foot to another. The nurse recognizes that this may indicate



tardive dyskinesia

acute dystonic reaction


A desire to keep moving


The most important test used to determine whether a transplanted kidney is working is

Renal Ultrasound

Serum Creatinine level

White blood cell count

Twenty-four hour output

Serum Creatinine level


When teaching about child abuse, the nurse tells a parent group that the best legal definition of assault is:

Threats to do bodily harm to another person

The application of force to another person without lawful justification

A legal wrong committed by one person against the property of another

A legal wrong committed against the public and punishable by law through the state and courts.

Threats to do bodily harm to another person


The physician orders daily sputum specimens to be collected from a client. It is most appropriate for the nurse to collect this specimen from the client:

after activity

before meals

on awakening

before a respiratory treatment

on awakening

After surgery a client has a urinary catheter in place.  When planning for the client's safety needs in relation to this device, the nurse should:

Empty the bag every 6 hours

Keep the system closed at all times

Maintain slight tension on the tubing

Attach the bag tot he side rail fo the bed

Keep the system closed at all times


A newborn receives an intramuscular injection of vitamin K. The purpose of the injection is to:

Maintain the intestinal flora count

Promote proliferation of intestinal flora

Stimulate vitamin K production in the baby

Provide protection until intestinal floral are established

Provide protection until intestinal floral are established


Given a choice, the child with autism usually enjoys playing:

On a jungle gym

With a cuddly toy

With a small yellow block

On a playground merry-go-round

On a playground merry-go-round

The rhthmic movement of the merry-go-round provides soothing and nonthreatenting comfort to the child


When obtaining consent for surgery, the nurse should initially:

Explain the risks involved in surgery

Explain that obtaining the signature is routine for any surgery

Evaluate whether the client's knowledge level is sufficient to give consent

Witness the signature because this is what the nurse's signature documents

Evaluate whether the client's knowledge level is sufficient to give consent


When assessing a child with croup, the nurse would expect to find:

expiratory stridor, crackles

laryngospasm, barking cough

bronchospasm, whooping cough

productive cough, inspiratory stridor

laryngospasm, barking cough


A 3 1/2 year old child is admitted to the hosptial for an appendectomy.  To best prepare the child for the hospital experience, the nurse should use:

A diagram

A storybook

Puppet play

Medical play

Medical play

Allows them to have hands on activity and manipulate objects


After a transurethral rescection of the prostate, the client's nursing care should include:

Changing the abdominal dressing

Maintaining patency of the cystostomy tube

Observing for hemmorrhage and wound infection

Maintaining patency of a three way indewelling catheter

Maintaining patency of a three way indewelling catheter


The nurse is assessing a cliet 8 hours after the creation of a colostomy. What would be an expected assessment?

Presence of hyperactive bowel sounds

Absence of drainage from the colostomy

Dusky-colored edematous appeariOn the client's left sideng stoma

Bright blood drainage from the nasogastric tube

 Absence of drainage from the colostomy

Does not function for a couple of days due to lack of peristalsis


After an open reduction and internal fixation of a fractured hip, assessment of the affected leg should include checking the

Femoral pulse

Mobility of the toes

Condition of the pin

Mobility of the knee

Mobility of the toes


When caring for a client following a left pneumonectomy for cancer, the nurse should palpate the client's trachea at least once a day because:

The position may indicate mediastinal shift

Nodular lesions may demonstrate metastasis

Tracheal edema may lead to an obstructed airway

The cuff of the endotracheal tube may be onverinflated

The position may indicate mediastinal shift


A newborn weighing 5 pounds, 6 ounces is admitted to the newborn nursery after a cesarean birth.  The nurse would assess the respiratory rate as within expected limits if it ranged between:

20 and 40 per minute

30 and 50 per minute

60 and 80 per minute

70 adn 90 per minute

30 and 50 per minute


When assisting a client to ambulate after repair of a fractured right hip, the nurse should be standing:

behind the client

In front of the client

On the client's left side

On the client's righ side

On the client's left side


The nurse identifies that teaching about warfarin is effective when the client states, "I must not drink

Apple juice."

Grape juice"

Orange juice"

Cranberry juice"

Cranberry juice"


When a client's colostomy is located on the left side of the abdomen, the type of stool the nurse should expect would be:


moist, formed



moist, formed


When a client has a tracheostomy tube and is on a ventilator, the tracheostomy tube must

Have an inner cannula

be changed every week

be cleansed once a day

have a low pressure cuff

have a low pressure cuff


A client returns to the unit fully awake after a bronchoscopy and biopsy. The nurse should:

Provide ice chipts to reduce sweling

Evaluate the presence of a gag reflex

Advise the client to stay flat for 2 hours

Encourage the cleint to cough frequently

Evaluate the presence of a gag reflex


After a tonseillectomy, the nurse suspects hemorrhage postoperatively when the child:

snores noisily

becomes pale

complains of thirst

swallows frequently

swallows frequently


A lithotripsy to break up renal calculi is unsuccessful and nephrolithotomy is performed. A posteoperative observation that the nurse should report to the physician would be:

passage of pink-tinged urine

intake of 1750ml in 24 hours

Pink drainage on the dressing

Urine output of 20 to 30 ml per hour

Urine output of 20 to 30 ml per hour

should be 50 per hour
