An item drains and collects urine from the bladder.
foley catheter
blood clot in the peripherals
What is Deep Vein Thrombosis
the pulse at the medial malleolus
What is the post-tibial pulse?
Medications ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin
What are NSAIDs?
Piece of equipment encourages deep breathing by the patient and prevents lung complications.
Incentive Spirometer
the test done for the newly born
What is APGAR?
the breath sound heard at the trachea
What is bronchial breath sounds?
anti-emetics treat
What is Nausea/Vomiting?
The oral suction catheter
What is a Yankauer?
Situation, background, assessment, and recommendations.
Situation, background, assessment, and recommendations.
What is SBAR?
The largest organ in the body
The drug class that ends in "lol"
Beta blockers
Item that measures blood pressure.
F.A.S.T. (Face, Arm, Speech, Time)
F.A.S.T. (Face, Arm, Speech, Time)
What acronym is used in the assessment of a suspected stroke?
The main function of platelets
asthma rescue medication
What is Ventolin
The percentage of room air.
What is 21%?
What is assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, intervention, evaluation?
Immature red blood cells
What are reticulocytes?
The most common loop diuretic that is beneficial in treating edema and heart failure.