If a client has burns covering both legs and the back, this percentage of the total body surface area is affected.
What is 54%?
This nutrient is essential for wound healing and promotes collagen synthesis.
What is Vitamin C?
A small, waxy nodule with pearly white borders.
What is basal cell carcinoma?
This is how often a great nurse repositions a bedbound client to prevent pressure injuries.
What is every 2 hours?
This isolation precautions is required for a client with scabies.
What is contact precautions?
This burn is characterized by a red wound with eschar present.
What is a deep partial-thickness burn?
This wound drainage is watery and red.
What is serosanguineous drainage?
A type of skin cancer that likes to metastasize, is often associated with changes in a preexisting mole, irregular borders, size, and color.
What is malignant melanoma?
Which amino acid dietary change helps prevent skin breakdown and promotes healing.
What is increasing protein intake?
A client is diagnosed with contact dermatitis gets this first-line medication treatment to reduce inflammation and itching.
What is topical corticosteroids?
This is the priority assessment finding to report when a client has burns to the face, ears, and eyelids.
What is an compromised airway observation?
This is the first action if a client's surgical incision has eviscerated.
What is cover the area with a sterile saline-moistened dressing?
This is what the "E" stands for in the ABCDE rule of melanoma assessment.
What is evolving (changes in size, shape, or color over time)?
Which intervention should a nurse avoid with bony prominences in preventing pressure injuries.
What is massaging bony prominences?
Which vital sign change is an early indicator in a client with severe burns experiencing hypovolemic shock.
What is tachycardia?
This type of burn is painless due to nerve damage.
What is a full-thickness burn?
This type of dressing is best for a client with a stage 3 pressure ulcer.
What is a hydrocolloid or foam dressing?
This painful skin condition causes lesions along a nerve pathway.
What is herpes zoster?
This stage of pressure injury involves exposed fat tissue but no visible bone, tendon, or muscle.
What is stage 3?
A client with psoriasis can manage their condition during bath time.
What is using bath oils to soften and soothe the skin?
In burn management, this is why the first 8 hours of fluid resuscitation is crucial to survival.
What is preventing hypovolemic shock?
This lab value is important in determining a client's nutritional status and ability to heal a wound.
What is serum albumin?
This measure prevents the spreading of head lice when it comes to bedding and clothing.
What is wash all recently used clothing and bedding in hot water?
This is the best nursing intervention for a client with early signs of a stage 1 pressure injury.
What is repositioning the client and offloading pressure?
This skin condition presents as a honey-colored crusted lesion and is highly contagious.
What is impetigo?