The physician orders Tylenol for a child weighing 20kg. The order reads: Tylenol 15mg/kg q4-6hr PRN. The bottle contains 160mg/5ml.
How much Tylenol do we give?
What does DVT stand for?
Deep vein thrombosis
What measures oxygen saturation?
Pulse oximeter
What is a side effect of large doses of lasix?
Hypokalemia (low K)
Sodium lab value is
135-145 mEq/L
You would more than likely hear this adventitious lung sound if there is fluid in the lung
How many Kg are in 99lbs?
Name an example of an NSAID
Ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, ketoralac (Toradol)
Your patient reports to urge to void but is unable to pass any urine after several attempts. What piece of equipment should the nurse look for?
Bladder scanner
Name 5 medication rights
*BONUS* name the newly added 6th
Right patient, medication, dose, time, route.
*BONUS* documentation
WBC Lab Value
Common symptoms are: RLQ pain, N/V, pain may subside when standing, often occurs in younger patients
There is a weight-based fragmin dose ordered for your patient. Your patient weight is 95kg. The order is 200units/kg max dose is for 90kg. The vial contains 25000 units/ml. How much does our patient get?
What does SBAR stand for and what is it used for?
Situation, background, assessment, and recommendations. Used for ease of conversation between health professionals.
What is the function of an incentive spirometer?
To encourage deep breathing by the patient and prevent lung complications.
HGB MALE & FEMALE lab values
MALE: 13-18 g/dL
Female: 12-16 g/dL
While you are assessing pedal pulses you note the patient has a 1+ pulse to the Right pedal, assessing the rest of the RLE you notice it is edematous 2+, is erythematic, and patient reports pain. What are you two plausible diagnoses?
DVT vs Cellulitis
How many milliliters are in 3 teaspoons?
What does PERRLA stand for?
Pupils are equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation.
What is a non-rebreather and when is it used?
oxygen mask that delivers high concentrations of oxygen. It’s for when a person needs oxygen quickly in emergencies
What drug class ends in "lol"?
Beta blockers
Platelets lab value
What does GCS stand for? What are the three sections? and What is the most a person can score?
Glasgow coma scale, eye-opening, verbal, motor, 15.
A patient weighs 110lbs. The provider ordered a dose of 2mg/kg/day of a drug. How many mg will the patient get per day?
This acronym is often used in ED- MONA
*BONUS* what amount of A?
What is the tip of a suction setup called? (the part that goes to the patient)
Give an example of a medication class and name that treats heart failure.
ACE, ARBs, ARNIs, beta-blockers, diuretics, glycoside
enalapril, lorsartan,metoprolol, furosemide, digoxin,
potassium lab value
3.5-5.5 mEq/L
Your patient c/o of new, sudden, Left sided chest pain what is your first assessment?