Proteins are made of many small units called amino acids. Of the 22 amino acids, nine are essential, meaning they must come from food. Your body can make the other ___
What are the 2 types of fats?
unsaturated and saturated
The level of cholesterol in your blood can be affected by the amount and type of ___ you eat.
how many major nutrients are there?
what is the main nutrient bread gives you?
what are the 2 types of vitamins?
water soluble and fat soluble
____ carries nutrients, helps regulate body temp, and helps perform life-supporting functions.
how many amino acids are essential?
what is the main nutrient steak gives you?
what are simple carbohydrates?
A ____ is a nutrient that serves as the body's main energy source.
____ are substances that the body uses to build new cells and repair injured
What kinds of food give you calcium?
what does complex carbohydrates do for the body?
slow burning energy through the body
___ regulate body processes and help other nutrients do their work
_____ have all nine essential amino acids in the right amounts. Foods from soybeans and from animal sources, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.
Complete proteins
butter and animal fats are a source of what kind of carbohydrates?
simple carbohydrates
what are complex carbohydrates?
they are a type of carbohydrates that have starch and fiber
Some ____ become a part of your body in the form of cells, fluids, muscles, teeth, and bones.
_______ lack one or more essential amino acids. Except for soy protein. Eating a variety of foods from plant sources daily can provide all the essential amino acids you need Beans and peas, grains, and nuts have more protein than vegetables and fruits.
Incomplete proteins