What is the nutrient that provides the most energy?
What are 2 functions of water?
regulate temp., metabolism, digestive enzymes, lubricate joints, eyes, lungs
What are proteins comprised of?
amino acids
What is the difference between a micro and a macro mineral, and give 1 example of each
Macromineral: need in large amounts in body; Ca
Micromineral: need in small amounts in body; Zn, Fe
food that is leaving the stomach to go to the SI for further breakdown
Which nutrient is the most important ?
What are is the main function of carbohydrates?
produce energy
What is the difference between an essential and non-essential amino acid?
Essential: Need to be in diet; body doesn't produce it
Non-essential: body is able to produce; does not have to be in diet
What does iron do within the body?
support RBC
What is bile and what structure secretes it?
Gallbladder: neutralized acid and emulsifies fat
How is energy measured?
What are 2 functions of fats?
transport fat soluble vitamins, immune function, cushion and protect vital organs.
How does one evaluate a protein source?
1. digestibility
2. Meets amino acid requirements
What does Iodine do throughout the body?
regulate thyroid hormones
Name 3 types of pancreatic enzymes
Trypsin, amalyse, lipase, chymotrypsin,
How is energy stored within the body?
glucose or glycogen
What are 2 functions of protein?
production of antibodies, make enzymes
What does it mean if a protein source is high quality?
It meets amino acid requirements and they are used effectively throughout the body
What are the 2 categories of vitamins and give 2 examples of each.
Fat soluble: A, D, E, K
Water Soluble: C, B vitamins
How is the stomach protected from digestive enzymes?
mucus layer
Name the 6 types of nutrients
Carbs, fats, proteins, water, mineral, vitamins
What are 2 function of minerals?
maintain pH, osmotic pressure, muscle and nerve function
Name 4 protein sources.
meat, beans, soy, nuts, some oils
Which category of vitamins could become toxic and why ?
Fat soluble-->stored in fat throughout body
What is the function of chymotrypsin?
breaks down proteins into amino acids