How many drinks are too much for women?
>2 drinks
What are the two types of carbohydrates?
Simple and complex
Protein helps prevent what?
Muscle breakdown
What is an indicator of dehydration?
Dark urine, thirst, muscle cramps
Types of fats?
Saturated, unsaturated, trans fat
How many drinks are too much for men?
>3 drinks
Calcium and vitamin D helps support what?
Who should you reach out to for help calculating protein needs?
How many ounces of water should you drink 2-3 hours before exercise?
How many calories are in a gram of fat?
9 calories
Alcohol can interfere with what?
What is the daily caffeine limit?
What are protein food sources?
Eggs, dairy products, beans, nut butters, meats and fish
You can maintain hydration by drinking beverages when?
Throughout the day
Which fats are bad fats?
Saturated/ trans fat
Alcohol is a diuretic that can lead to what?
What does BMR stand for?
Basal Metabolic Rate
How long after exercise should you eat a protein source?
45-60 mins
What are two ways to increase fluid intake?
Having soup, having fruits and vegetables that are high in water content
Which fat remains at a liquid state at room temp?
Unsaturated fats
Heavy drinking can increase the risk of what?
Liver damage and depression
Grains belong to which macronutrient?
What is the average adult recommendation for protein?
0.8- 1.2g for every kg of body weight
What are one of the major electrolytes?
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
Vitamins A,D,E,K