Nutrition Category

Define Nutrition

Nutrition is the study of food, how it affects the human body and influences health and metabolism— specifically how the body metabolizes food for energy.

Adequate nutrition is needed for wellness.


What are proteins?

Complex molecules made up of amino acids. They are essential for growth and repair. They build tissue and nitrogen balance.


What are the building blocks of proteins?

Amino acids


What is cholesterol?

Wax like substance needed for formation of cell membranes- vitamins d, estrogen and testosterone. It is synthesized in the liver and found in animal foods 


What are micronutrients?

Needed only in small amounts and regulate body functions with vitamins and minerals. 


Name the six food nutrients

Vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fats, water


What are lipids? 

Lipids are organic (carbon-containing) substances that are insolvable in water. They are made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen- the same basic elements that make up carbs. The term lipid comes from lipos, a Greek word that means fat. 

Lipids that are solid at room temperature are called fats, when they are liquid at room temperature they are called oils.


What are the functions of protein?

Tissue building, metabolism, immune system function, fluid balance, acid-base balance and secondary energy source.

Flavor and satiety, insulator/protector, aid in digestion of vitamins.


What are LDL’s?

Low density Lipoproteins are bad cholesterol. They transport cholesterol to body cells. They can result in fatty deposits on vessel walls which can cause cardiovascular disease.


What are the fat soluble vitamins?

Vitamin A D E K

(All dogs eat kibble)


Name the two guides to assist in healthy eating in Australia.

Guide to Healthy Eating

Dietary Guidelines


What are essential amino acids?

Essential amino acids are significant in our diets because they body cannot manufacture them. They must be supplied by food or nutritional supplements.


Explain 3 functions of water in the body.

Aides digestion and metabolism..

Prevents dehydration.

Helps regulate body temperature.


What are HDL’s?

High density lipoproteins are good cholesterol. They remove cholesterol from the blood stream and return it to the liver where it is used to produce bile.


Why are vitamins essential? Give two specific examples of dietary diseases that can occur due to a deficiency.

Vitamins are organic substances necessary for metabolism or preventing a particular deficiency disease. Because the body cannot make vitamins, they must be supplied in our foods. They are critical in building and maintaining body tissues, supporting our immune system to fight disease, and ensuring healthy vision. They help our bodies break down and use the energy found in carbs, proteins and lipids. They are critical during rapid growth, pregnancy, laceration, and healing. Evidence supports the claim that some can prevent chronic illness. e.g./ Vit c / scurvy, Vit B - Berri Berri,

Vit A/night vision


What are the chemical components of carbohydrates? Name the two types and give two food examples for each type.

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen.

 Simple - sugars.

Complex - bread and cereals


What are complete proteins?

Complete proteins contain all the essential amino acids necessary for protein synthesis. 

They usually come from animal sources.


What are the four types of lipids?

Saturated, trans, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated.


Types of fats?

Unsaturated- not completely filled with all the hydrogen it can hold. It is lighter and less dense. Primarily made up on unsaturated fatty acids

Saturated- every carbon atom is fully bound to hydrogen. The molecules pack tightly together at room temperature and are dense, solid and heavy. Made up of mostly animal fats. 

Trans fatty acids- saturated fats created when food manufacturers add hero gen to polyunsaturated plant oils such as corn oil to break down the double carbon bonds and straighten out the molecules. They are found in many margarines and other processed foods containing hydrogenated vegetable oils. 


Water soluble vitamins consist of?

Vitamin C & B complex.


List the 6 simple carbohydrates and 3 complex carbohydrates

Simple: Glucose, fructose, galactose, motlose, sucrose, lactose.

Complex; Starch, dextrins, cellulose


Explain complementary proteins and give an example proteins?

Combining two incomplete proteins (nuts grains) to provide all of the essential amino acids. eg/ peanut butter sandwich.


List 4 of the Dietary Guidelines.

Guideline 1 To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and choose amounts of nutritious food and drinks to meet your energy needs  

Guideline 2 Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from these five food groups every day

Guideline 3 Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt, added sugars and alcohol Guideline 4 Encourage, support and promote breastfeeding  

Guideline 5 Care for your food; prepare and store it safely


Types of polyunsaturated fats and their role in the diet?

Linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha Linolenic acid (omega 3) help protect against heart disease. 

Omega 6 are found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds.

Omega 3 are found in fatty fish (tuna shellfish) twice a week.


Give 4 examples of minerals, a food source for each and a related dietary disease. 

eg/ Iron, red meat, aneamia

Calcium, dairy foods, osteoporosis

Iodine, salt, goitre

Sodium, salt,  high blood pressure
