Emotional Eating
Foods that fight emotional eating
Whole foods vs processed food
Reading Nutritional labels
Reading ingredients

What is Emotional Eating?

Eating when you feel highly emotional. 


Can you name 2 healthy foods that fight emotional eating? 

salmon, eggs, pumpkin seeds, walnut, dark chocolate, chamomile tea, green tea, yogurt, brazil nuts, spinach, tofu 


Can you give examples of Whole Foods? 

fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fresh meat products

True or False: Nutritional Facts Labels are difficult to read? 

False, you can read the label but you can always ask for help to read it if you need. 


True or False: the list of ingredients is next to the Nutritional Facts label? 

True, you can find the list of ingredients next to the Nutritional facts label.


Give 2 examples of emotional eating triggers 

Sadness, anxiety, boredom, childhood habits, stress, happiness, social events, disagreement with friends or family.


Is Omega-3 fatty acid in Salmon? 



can you give examples of processed foods? 

packaged cookies, fried foods, frozen meals, chips, cake mixes, Twinkies, soda, energy drinks, fruit juices, candy bars


True or False: Nutritional facts labels can tell you if the food is unhealthy or healthy? 

True, you can see the amount of calories, fat, carbohydrates, sodium (salt), Protein, vitamins and minerals 


Can you eat the food if it has these ingredients: organic tomatoes, organic tomato juice, sea salt, white bean, mustard seed, onion powder, garlic powder, green chili peppers? 

Yes, because I can understand the ingredients and it has no chemicals. 


Give 2 examples of healthy coping skills to reduce emotional triggers

short walks, deep breathing, self-care, do something fun, call a friend or family, dance or listen to music, use positive affirmations, yoga, mediation


True or False: Does Flaxseed and Chia seeds contain fiber and help you feel full? 

True, and they are rich in minerals and antioxidants to help your body.


True or False: Processed foods are healthy?

false, they can cause chronic illnesses.

obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, increase anxiety/depression


Does the Nutritional Facts label show you how many calories the food has? 

Yes, it always does. 


Is monosodium glutamate (MSG) healthy to eat? 

No, it's a chemical and it has a negative impact in our body. 


What are some healthy tips to avoid emotional eating?

Eating a healthy balanced meal


Healthy coping skills

use "I" statements to solve the problem


True or False: Dark Chocolate has the same health benefits as milk chocolate candy bar?

false, dark chocolate must contain at least 70-85% cocoa to be healthy. 

True or False: Whole foods taste gross? 

False, they taste delicious! and you can cook different meals with different fresh ingredients


True or False: The nutritional facts label help you limit certain unhealthy nutrients? 

True. it helps you avoid unhealthy saturated fats, added sugars, extra calories when you read the high amounts


True or false:  You ca eat the food if you CAN'T understand the ingredients? 

False, DON'T EAT IT!!! its most likely unhealthy for you body. 


What is The Emotional Eating Cycle?

The process of how emotional eating begins: something happens, you want to eat, you eat when you shouldn't, and you feel guilty after. 


True or False: Serotonin is a chemical in the body and brain that helps feel happy. 

True, it helps with mood, sleep, memory, and behavior. 


True or False: you can SOMETIMES eat processed foods? 

True, in moderation. Give some examples when is ok to eat processed foods. 


Foods high in cholesterol can increase your risk for heart disease? 

yes, the cholesterol can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels, making it difficult for blood to flow through the arteries. 


Give 3 examples of ingredients you should never eat.

High fructose corn syrup 

soybean and corn oil

artificial sweeteners
