Some causes of peptic ulcer disease
H.Pylori, NSAID use, use of corticosteroids, GI surgery history
What kind of ulcer causes abdominal pain 30-60 mins after a meal?
Gastric ulcer
What is the normal drug combo for combating PUD?
PPIs and antibiotics (2)
What is celiac disease?
chronic inflammation of the small intestinal mucosa. A malabsorption syndrome and a multi-system autoimmune disease.
S/S of PUD
epigastric pain, rigid rebound tension, monitor CBC for bleeding indications, blood sugar decreases with progression of infection
What kind of ulcer causes upper abdominal pain 1.5-3 hours after meals and at night?
H2 Antagonists (MOA)
decrease gastric acid secretions by blocking histamine receptors in parietal cells
What is the diet someone with Celiac disease should follow?
gluten-free diet (high calorie, high protein, fruits, veggies, low in fats and fiber until symptoms subside)
What is a Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)?
most accurate way of diagnosis, visualizes ulcer
S/S of gastric ulcer
malnourished, hyposecretion of the stomach, pain in upper abdomen 30-60 mins after a meal, atrophic gastritis, bloody emesis
block proton pump that secretes acid
S/S of Celiac Disease
weight loss, anorexia, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain or distension, vomiting, osteoporosis, joint pain, iron deficiency anemia, migraines, lactose intolerance
Patient education for PUD?
smaller meals, avoid OTC NSAIDS, avoid alcohol and tobacco, coping plans for stressors
S/S of a duodenal ulcer?
well nourished, hypersecretion of the stomach acid production, upper abdominal pain 1.5-3 hours after meals, no gastritis, bloody stool
What causes which...
Magnesium hydroxide and Aluminum hydroxide
constipation or diarrhea?
Magnesium hydroxide causes diarrhea
Aluminum hydroxide causes constipation
What is another name for gluten?
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
S/S of ulcer perforation?
sudden sharp persistent epigastric pain or abdominal pain, bloody stool, bloody/coffee ground vomit
Causes of stress ulcers
sepsis, critically ill, extensive burns, increased intracranial pressure, stress
Mucosal Barrier Fortifiers (MOA and when to take them)
protect stomach mucosa
sucralfate- take one hour before meals and also before bed
What are the primary complications of CD?
cancer, nutrition deficiencies