What fruit has the word “berry” in the name, but isn’t a berry?
Eating carrots improves your eyesight. (True or false)
False (they can give you better eye health)
What is the main way humans can gain protein in their bodies?
By eating meat
What is one of the main struggles humans have when eating carbs?
They eat too many carbohydrates
What is sugar made from?
Sugar cane
Fruits are naturally low in calories, sodium, and fat. (True or false)
What percentage of water is in the average vegetable?
What is the main way protein helps your body?
It repairs cells and makes new ones
What do carbohydrates do to the glucose in your body?
They break it down
What is one of the main problems when eating to much sugar?
Raise blood pressure
An average human should have a fruit intake of how many grams?
400 grams
What raw vegetable has the highest amount of potassium?
Increasing your protein intake can ward off what in your body?
Illnesses and infections
Each gram of a carbohydrate gains you how many calories?
4 calories
What candy contains one of the highest levels of sugar?
Eating fruits can decrease your risk of what disease?
Heart disease
What is the most consumed vegetable by humans?
Around how many types of protein are in a human body?
10,000 types
What can happen when you eat “bad carbs”
Your blood glucose can rise quickly
What is the fruit containing the highest amount of sugar?
What is the average amount of seeds a pomegranate can hold?
What is the average amount of carbs in a vegetable salad?
2.77 grams
How much protein does the average person eat in a day?
100 grams
Carbohydrates are one of the main nutrients in our diet. (True or false)
How much sugar should the average adult consume in a day?
30 grams