Carbs are the main source of fuel for your body.
(True or False)
Protein is only found in meat. (True or False)
How many types of fat are there?
3 Types
Does the body produce minerals?
What health concern can develop if there is too much sugar in the body (blood)
Type 2 Diabetes
How many types of carbs are there?
3 Types
What are 2 examples of animal proteins?
What is the fat you want to avoid eating at all cost?
Tran fat
What are the two types of vitamins?
Water soluble & Fat soluble
What is another name for sodium?
At what rate do simple carbs digest?
What is a non-animal source of protein?
Soy (Tofu)
What fat do you want to eat in moderation?
Also known as the “healthy” type of fat
Unsaturated fat
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
A, D, E, K
What health concern can develop if there is too much sodium in your diet?
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
What type of sugar is found in fruits?
What is the recommended % of daily calories you should get from protein?
What are the two types of fat that are listed on a nutrition label?
Saturated fats & Trans fat
What happens to unused water soluble vitamins?
Your body gets rids of/ flushes them out
What can happen to your veins when you consume too much trans fat?
-Clogs your veins
-Fat hardens in your veins
-Blood does not flow as easy
-Heart, lungs, brain don’t receive enough blood
What two types of carbs digest slowly and help you feel full, longer?
Complex & Fiber
How many amino acids does your body produce and use?
What happens to unused fats in the body?
Stores as adipose tissue
What happens to excess fat soluble vitamins?
Your body stores them in adipose tissue
What is the medical term for thin bones that break easily?