Amino Acid
Building blocks of protein
Types of amino acids and the numbers
Transfat. Explain
Partially Hydrogenated and Hydrogenated Oils
Very dangerous for the human body
Takes 51 days to clear out of the cells
Number of calories in one pound of fat
What method of body fat health do we measure on a chart?
BMI= Body Mass Index
Carbohydrate: What is it? How many types?
A type of sugar; two types: Simple and Complex
PED's. What are they? Types? Are they legal in sports?
Performance Enhancing Drugs, Steroids, Blood Doping, No
Cellulose. What is it? Types?
Soluble and Insoluble
What is meant by BMR? Define the acronym and explain
First female supreme court justice?
Sandra Day O'Connor of Arizona
Substances your body needs to function, grow and develop normally. Water soluble and Fat soluble
What is a gram?
How do convert macro nutrition grams to calories?
The smallest unit of measurement for food
Multiply number of grams of carbs by 4
Multiply number of grams of protein by 4
Multiply number of grams of fat by 9
What is meant by the term Cellulite?
Subcutaneous Body Fat
Macro Nutrients
Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats
Breaking Down
Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels and convert food into energy.
What does ratio of calories mean in Layman's terms?
Percentage of fat, protein and carbohydrates in portions compared to the total calories of the meal or of total calories per day
First Female Arizona Governor
Rose Mofford from 1988-1991
Micro Nutrients. Give 5 types or names
Vitamins, Minerals, A,B, C, D, E, K, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Bicarbonate, Sodium, Phosphate, Chloride
The amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree farenheit.
Two other names for fat
Lipid and Trigliceride
Two types: HDL=High Density Lipoprotein (Good) and LDL= Low Density Lipoprotein (Bad
First athlete to play professional basketball in the NBA from Arizona.
Wayne See-- Camp Verde High School, NAU Lumberjacks, Waterloo Hawks (NBA) 1949-1950
World War II War Veteran (US Marines). He was a football, basketball and baseball star from Camp Verde High School