Most consumed candy in the US.
What is Peanut M&M's
Amount of sugar that is consumed from Caramel Frappucinos at Starbucks yearly.
What is 18,630,000 Grams of Sugar
The Country that Consumes the Most Sugar Yearly
What is the United States
The Most Bought Meal from Fast Food Restaurants.
What is a Cheese Burger and Fries
Fruit That Has the Most Sugar.
What is Mangoes
The oldest candy. (Two)
What is Licorice and Ginger
The most sold drink in the US. (Other than Water)
What is Coca-Cola
The United States Sells Around This Amount of Original Monster Energy Drink Cans Yearly.
What is 347,000,000
How often the Average Person goes to McDonald's in a Year
What is 54 times (About Once a Week)
The AHA's recommendation on daily sugar consumption
What is 36 grams for men or 25 grams for women
Amount of Candy consumed yearly. (Pounds)
What is (about) 2.8 billion pounds
The Oldest Soft Drink in the US.
What is Dr. Pepper
The Healthiest Country in the World
What is Singapore (As of 2024)
Which Restaurant has the Healthiest Fries?
What is Wendy's
The Most Eaten Food in the World.
What is Rice
Average Amount of Sugar in Candy.
What is 8-12 grams
The Number of Times More Than the Daily Adult Intake of Sugars Per Day for the Average Energy Drink.
What is 2-3 times
The Country with the Highest Obesity Rate.
What is Samoa
The Top Three Fast Food Restaurants with the Most Locations
What Are Subway, Starbucks, and McDonald's
The Percent of Americans that Exceed the Dietary Guildlines for Sugar Consumption.
What is 58%
Top 5 Least Healthy Candies.
What Are Candy Corn, Smarties, Gummy Bears, Jelly Beans, and Airheads
Top 3 Drinks with the Most Sugar.
What Are Monster Energy, Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte, and Pepsi
The Top 5 Fattest Countries in the World.
What Are Samoa, Tonga, Nauru, Tuvalu, and The Bahamas
The Most Unhealthy Meal from a Fast Food Restaurant. (Food and Place)
What is a Five Guys' Cheeseburger and Fries
The 6 Things We Talked About That You (YES YOU) Need.
What are Vitamin D, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin B12, Fiber, and Magnesium