Caffeine is associated with worsening symptoms of this mental health issue.
Which foods have a negative impact on mental health?
Is it better to get your nutrients from vitamins or food? For example, a Vitamin C pill versus eating an orange with the same amount of Vitamin C.
Eating whole foods is better. It provides a variety of nutrients, fiber, and phytochemicals (protection against several diseases).
What factors of decrease water consumption lead to higher levels of depression?
dehydration, zapping the brain's energy, and cutting down serotonin production
Caffeine helps us learn better.
True. It boosts cognitive performance, speeds up reaction times, and helps people maintain attention. It is also linked to better learning retention.
Caffeine is correlated with reducing rates of this mental health disorder.
Which foods have a positive impact on mental health?
Whole foods (fruits, fish, vegetables, eggs, nuts and seeds, beans, fermented foods). "The Mediterranean Diet"
Which vitamins have been found to benefit mental health?
Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin D, B Vitamins and Magnesium
It decreases levels of anxiety and depression.
Caffeine will not interfere with sleep as long as you consume it at least 4 hours before bedtime.
False. Caffeine can interfere with sleep up to 6 hours before bedtime.
What percentage of American adults drink coffee every day?
"Good" bacteria reduces inflammation and provides a strong barrier against toxins. It helps you absorb nutrients from food and it activates neural pathways between the gut and the brain.
Is any liquid intake going to provide same benefit as drinking plain water?
No. Plain water is the healthiest way to hydrate.
95% of the body's serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract.
When do researchers recommend is the best time of day to drink coffee to boost energy?
Mid morning or early afternoon. Soon after waking, your body produces cortisol, a natural energy booster. This dips later on in the day.
Traditional diets like the Mediterranean diet and traditional Japanese have been correlated with reduced rates of what mental health disorder?
Depression. Risk reduces 25% to 35% compared to people on a typical Western diet.
They play crucial roles in neurological function, neurotransmitter production, and stress response regulation.
You rarely feel thirsty and your urine is colorless or light yellow.
It is not possible to get too much of vitamins or nutrients.
False. Too high of a dose can increase risk of some diseases.
What professional group drinks the most coffee in the United States?
Food workers. Scientists come second.
What is a "clean" diet and how does it affect mood?
"Clean" means cutting out all processed foods and sugar. Many people report feeling better physically and emotionally.
Does "natural" mean safe?
No. Not all naturally occurring substances are safe. Discuss decision to take any vitamins or supplements with your doctors.
urine that's dark yellow in color, weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, or confusion
Drinking water increases risk of developing dementia.
False. Not drinking enough water can increase risk of dementia. Also, people with dementia have difficulty staying hydrated.