Define Proteins
Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues
Strain versus Sprain
Strain - Tendon/Muscle Damage
Sprain - Ligament Damage
Explain the difference between Food Allergy and Food Intolerance
Food Allergy is when a persons immune system reacts to the food, a Food Intolerance is when the negatve reaction does not involve the immune system. Usually issue with digestion.
Term when a disease has no symptoms
How many chambers are in a human heart?
Four Chambers(Atria & Ventricals)
Define Calories
A unit of heat used to measuer the energy your body uses and receives from food
Muscle that helps bend a joint?
Explain why simply counting calories is not effective
It depends where your calories come from. Healthy calories vs Unhealthy calories. 120 calories from soda vs 120 caloreis from almonds.
Medication used to treat bacterial infections
Are bones living? Explain.
Yes, they grow and repair their cells.
Define Fiber
A tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest
Part of blood that helps with clotting
Explain the difference between overweight and obese
Overweight is just being heavier than the standard weight range for your height. Obese is when you start to see health problems due to your weight.
Term for the spread of an infectious disease within a specific population or area?
Name the main four types of blood
A, B, AB, O
- People snack out of boredom
Liquid that carries nutrients, hormmones, and waste?
Define Body Mass Index
A measure of body weiht relative to height
The vaccine helps prevent certain types of human papillomavirus infections?
HPV Vaccine
Herpes Simplex 1 & 2. What is the difference between the two
HS1 is oral
HS2 is genitial
Name of the USDA Guide for ideal portions of food groups.
Protien that binds with oxygen and helps transport it through the body
Difference between Anorexia and Bulimia
Anorexia is having an irrational fear of gainind weight that leads people to starve themselves. Bulimia is a cycle of overeating and purging to rid the body of food.
Senstitive blood test used to confirm HIV infection
Western Blot test
Order: Unsaturated, Saturated, Trans
Unsaturated: Lower your risk of heart disease
Saturated: Healthier, but consuming too many increase risk of heart disease.
Trans: Worst of the three, raises blood cholesterol levels.