A reliable nutitional source for protiens?
The Nutrition Source
Scrolling and seeing the "perfect" body on what app?
What does vitamin D do?
Builds and maintains healthy bones
What kind of diet should you follow?
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, high fibre
African female body image?
Prefer and tolerate heavier body weight and are more satified with their body image and larger body size.
See vidoes on how to get fit, on what app?
What does vitamin C do?
Helps protect your cells against the effects of free radicals
What should you drink?
Water and low sugar drinks
What is the Aborignals concept of healthy?
It encompasses mental health and physical cultural and spiritual health
A relibable nutritional source for vegetables is?
HealthLink BC
Getting talked about online, What app?
What does vitamin B do?
Helps teh procss your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat
Should you do a diet alone?
Modern body image?
Slim body, Low body weight
A relibable nutritional source for grains is?
Canada's Food Guide
Your____ gets affected when you see the "perfect" body and think you need to change.
What does vitamin A do?
Helps vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity
Should you eat when you are hungry?
Yes, you should always eat when hungry
Does your culture affect your body image?
A relibable nutritional source for healthy drinks is?
Harvard University
our personal identity get affected when?
You try to fit in
What does vitamin E do?
What else helps?
What influences your food choices?
Your personal cultures and attitdes