General Nutrition Facts
Understanding Carbohydrates
Understanding Fats
Understanding Protein
Applied Nutrition

The unit of measurement for the energy content of Food or Drink

What is Kcals?
We measure using Kilocalories or Kcals, did you know that a "Calorie" (with a capital C) is the equivalent of 1000 Kilocalories.


The Kcal Value of Carbohydrates per gram.

What is 4kcals


The Macronutrient has the most energy per gram, but absolutely key for our cells healthy functioning and hormonal health?

What is Fat?

Fat has 9 kcals per gram.


The Kcal Value of Protein per gram.

What is 4kcals 


The worlds best diet.


There is no "BAD" foods - just improperly balanced diets. 


The top 3 macronutrients.

What are Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats


The primary role of Carbohydrates

What is fuel?


The role and benefits of adequate Fat intake.

Functions of fat: 

• Important structural components 

• Component of cell membranes 

• Precursor to fat soluble vitamins 

• Precursor to steroid hormones

• Protection/Immune Function 

• Maintain a healthy immune system Help us absorb certain vitamins 

• Fat soluble vitamins Help us produce recovery hormones 

• Slow/large energy source  


The role and benefits of adequate Protein intake.

What are..?
Healthy hair & skin

Muscle retention

Necessary for immune function
Weight-loss = Satiety in one meal and over 24 hours // Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)  
Muscle recovery // Adaptations to training


The Blue zones

What are the areas in the world where there is the highest amount of people living to 100 years old or more.


The Macronutrient responsible for repair and growth of cells and tissue.

What is protein?


The types of Carbohydrates

Monosaccarides - Single molecules of sugar. I.e. Glucose or Fructose.

Disaccarides - Chains of 2 sugar molecules. I.e. Lactose

Polysaccarides - Complex chains of sugar molecules bound together, of 3 or more. I.e. Starch


The types of essential fatty acids. Hint "Fish Oils/Supplement" 

Omega 3 & 6 


The building blocks that make up protein are called...

What are Amino Acids.


The water weight associated with carbohydrate storage.

3 grams of water are stored with every 1 gram of stored carbohydrates.

Sugar in its pure concentrated form (think of the likes of honey or syrup) stored in the body would be toxic to us - so we have to "dilute" our storage so we can use it later.


The forgotten Macronutrient.

What is Fibre.
We require approximately 20 - 30g of Fibre in our daily diet for good health.


The system of measurement of how fast or slow a food digests 

The glycemic index (GI), a high glycemic index food is one that is fast to digest.

Carbs, depending on the source are the fast macronutrient to digest. So High GI foods are typically high in carbohydrates.


People with epilepsy can benefit from this popular diet.

What is Keto.

Dietary interventions can be very potent in terms of health, wellbeing, performance and even management of illness.


The difference between animal and plant based protein sources.

What is the amino acid profile -

Animal Protein is a more complete mixture of amino acids containing all essential amino acids.

Plant based Protein sources are nutrient dense and have plenty of benefits but often lack the required amounts of essential amino acids to be adequate without careful combination of foods.

Foods that are associated with an improved sense of health and wellbeing.

Fruit and vegetable intake are associated with improved sense of wellbeing.

We feel better from eating fruit & veg ! 


The Chemical Structure for Glucose

What is C6H12O6?
Many influencers will fear monger over the chemical content of food and reference things by their chemical structure or name to generate a sense of danger or confusion.
"Careful, see this - Dihydrogen Oxide ... terrible stuff" really thats just H2O, good ole water.


The true amount of Carbs you need to survive.


Carbohydrates are the only macronutrient you don't need to survive as the body can generate its own carbohydrates by converting protein or fatty acids to sugar molecules through a process called gluconeogenesis. 


The "bad" kind of fat.

There really isn't a bad kind foods - We keep returning to this. However it is important to recognise that Transaturated Fats, typically found in large amounts in processed/industrial/man made food products can have harmful impacts.

Trans fats consistently shown to increased CVD risk via worsened lipid profiles, systemic inflammation & endothelial function.

Trans fats are also found in small amounts in animals but again its in the ratios !


The minimum requirements of protein relative to bodyweight for the health and wellbeing. 

What is 1.2g/ kg

RDA / RNI often dramatically underestimates the required amounts.


The kcal equivalent to a kg of fat.


People can see their weight jump up after a night of a big meal - but this isn't truly "fat gain" you would have to eat in EXCESS of your maintainenance kcals 7700 kcals to gain a KG of bodyfat.
