The healthiest side dish you could get at Mc Donald's
What is apple slices
This vegetable, often served mashed, has lots of Vitamin C.
What is a potato
This fruit with a yellow peel is high in potassium and is the most popular fruit in the U.S.
What is the banana
The following is a high fat snack P_TA_O _H_PS
potato chips
How many cups of water is generally recommended for kids to drink each day?
8 cups
A much healthier option for cooking than frying food in fat
What is Grilling
Although often considered a vegetable, this food is actually a fruit.
What is a tomato
There are many varieties of this white vegetable including shitake and portobello
What is a mushroom
The following is a healthy snack: F_U_T S_L_D
What is a fruit salad
Name 2 excellent sources of protein that are not meat or dairy products
beans and nuts
A healthier option of a fast food choice
What is Chipotle
Drying grapes for several days will give you this fruit
What is a raisin
This purple vegetable, often used to make a popular Italian dish, is important for healthy aging
What is the eggplant
What do you use to calculate if an item is smart snack compliant
Nutrition Fact Label
What food group is known for being a good source of calcium, crucial for strong bones and teeth?
Not eating this part of your fried chicken at KFC could help decrease the risk of heart disease
What is fried chicken skin
What is cucumber
What is another name for dried plums
What is a prune
What popular lunchbox snack consists of a mixture of dried fruits, nuts, and sometimes chocolate or seeds?
Trail mix
Fruit, vegetable, protein, grain, dairy