These foods should make half of your plate?
Fruits & Veggies
Running, jogging, cycling, brisk walking are considered as this type of physical activities
Aerobic Activity
Items to keep in your kitchen at all times so you have them when you can’t go shopping.
Staple food items
Bone loss accelerates during your 50s, especially among women. Why do women become more vulnerable to bone loss after menopause?
Most of the sodium or salt we consume comes from what food source?
pre-packaged/ processed foods
This disease is best known for the deficiency in vitamin D and calcium in older adults.
Engaging aerobic activity of this amount of time per week can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetics and arthritis.
30 minutes a day, 5 days a week
This is something we would make to prepare for our shopping trip, and have it mapped out what we need. This will help us stay on track and not spend extra money on unnecessary items.
Grocery List
What 2 main nutrients help inhibit bone loss and need to be increased with an elderly population?
Vitamin D and Calcium
If you are having trouble getting enough calories throughout the day, what can you do to increase calories?
add snack throughout the day and/or include a nutritional supplement such as an Ensure to your diet
Whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds, fruits, and dark-colored vegetables are high in this nutrient.
Adding this type of physical activities can help reduce the risk of injury from falls.
stretching and balance activities
Clipping these from the paper is another way to help save money on items in the grocery store. Even better when paired up with a sale price on items
This nutrient needs to be increased in the elderly population. It’s main food sources include lean meat, fish and fortified cereals. What nutrient is it?
If food seems to be bland or not have enough taste what should one do to enhance the flavors?
add fresh herbs and spices that don’t contain salt. Lemon juice is also an option.
Low intake of these substances is associated with cognitive decline.
Dark urine, excessive thirst, dizziness, fatigue and confusion are all signs of
This is a service in which someone else shops for you with a prepaid list you provided online.
Pick up or delivery
Eating a diet high in ________ can reduce the risk of heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes. Additionally, this can help maintain regular bowel movements.
his nutrient can help a person digest food, absorb nutrients from food, and then get rid of the unused waste in the body.
Reduction of this mineral to 1,500 mg (2/3 teaspoon) daily can lower the risk of high blood pressure.
Sodium/ Salt
Lower rates of all-cause mortality, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, T2DM, colon cancer, breast cancer, a higher level of cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, healthier body mass and composition
Benefits of physical activity
This is the largest meal delivery group in the country for older adults. This service is not only good for a low budget, but also those who have trouble getting out of their homes and preparing their own food.
meals on wheels
Too much of this nutrient over time can result in high blood pressure which can increase the risk of a heart attack or a stroke.
As adults age, they need fewer total calories, but higher amounts of some minerals. What is this considered
Nutrient-dense foods