Food Label Reading

What are the four types of macronutrients found in foods

What is carbohydrates, protein, fat and water

What are the two main types of micronutrients found in foods?

What is "vitamins and minerals"


When reading a label, dietary fibre is listed under what nutrient in that food Nutrient Facts Label?

a) fat

b) vitamins and mineral section

c) carbohydrate

d) % DV

What is "c" carbohydrates

Fatty fish like whitefish, trout and salmon are good sources of what nutrients.

a) calcium and omega-3 fats

b) Vitamin E and Omega-3 fats

c) Vitamin D and Omega-3 Fats

d) Polyunsaturated fats and Vitamin D

What is "c" - Omega-3 Fats and Vitamin D


What does the acronym GI stand for as it relates to how our body digests foods.

What is 'glycemic index' of foods


What are three healthy types of fats found in foods?

What is 1) polyunsaturated fats 2) monounsaturated fats and 3) omega-3 fats


What vitamin is called the "Sunshine Vitamin"?

What is "Vitamin D"

If someone has high cholesterol, what nutrient would they be interested in looking at on a food label to help them choose the best option among two similar foods.

a) Total fat (grams)

b) Saturated and Trans Fat (%DV)

c) Total fat (%DV)

d) Cholesterol (g)

e) all of the above

What is "E" - "all of the above'


What are the two micronutrients that milk is fortified with?

What is "Vitamin D and Vitamin A"


Olive oil and canola oil are made up mostly of what type of healthy fat?

What is 'monounsaturated' fats


Fibre is considered as part of what kind of macronutrient in the body?

What is  a "carbohydrate"


Those who smoke need what percent more vitamin C than those that are non-smokers in their diet every day?

a) 25% more 

b) 50% more

c) 75% more

d) 100% more

What is "b" - "50% more"


True or False. Micronutrients are often listed at the bottom section of a Nutrient Fact label on a food product.

What is "True"


Which are the healthiest ways of cooking food to help retain the nutrients in the food.

a) boiling

b) broiling

c) poaching

d) frying

e) a.b.c above

f) all of the above

What is "e" - All of the above


When looking at a margarine container, what is the word you look for on the lid or side of the label to determine if it is a healthy choice or not?

What is "non-hydrogenated" - which means it is not a trans fat that will make your bad fats in your blood rise quiickly


Fat is broken down by bile in the digestive system into what form of fat so that it can be absorbed into the bloodstream?

What is "fatty acids"


What are the two types of iron found in foods?

What is "heme" iron and "non-heme" iron


To make your nutrition display more interesting, which of the following is true.

a) Avoid long wordy display posters

b) Use demos to help teach people about nutrition

c) Make table eye catching with pictures

d) Select a handout that is colourful, easy to read and not too wordy

e) all of the above

What is "e" - all of the above


Crisco shortening is an example of what kind of 'unhealthy' dietary fat.

What is "trans" fat


What are considered as functions of water

a) helps to cushion our joints

b) needed to make fluids in body like blood, saliva etc.

c) prevents dehydration

d) is an antioxidant

e) a, b, c only

f) all of the above

What is "E" - A, b, c only


Which of the following will have the greatest effect on our blood glucose levels.

a) sweet potato

b) watermelon

c) pineapple

d) tomatoes

What is "watermelon"


Which of the following is true about a 'fad diet'

a) Eliminates a food group

b) Promotes certain products or supplements

c) Is endorsed by famous people to increase sales

d) Makes false claims not backed by proper research

e) a and e only

f) all of the above

What is "f" all of the above


What are the four food groups of Canada's Food Guide?

What is "Grains Group", "Milk and Milk Products", "Meat and Alternative" and "Fruits and Vegetables" group


What are the three least healthy fats found in foods?

What is 1) saturated fats  2) trans fats  3) cholesterol


What is the name of the waste product of oxygen used by our body cells that antioxidants help to clear out of our body and helps to prevent the development and progression of diseases?

What is "free radicals"
