Food Labels
Sources of Reliable Nutritional Information
Vitamin, Mineral, and Protein Supplements
Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
Cultural Perspectives on Healthy Body Weight

How can food labels help guide people towards healthy food choices?

Food labels allow you to control health problems and track what you are exactly putting into your body.


What are reliable sources of nutrition information?

Reliable dietitians 


What are the different types of vitamins?

The water soluble

Fat soluble vitamins


How do I know if I have a healthy weight?

Ask your doctor

Use a reliable source 


What is cultural perspective on weight?

How a culture sees a person based on their weight and how they look


What mistake do people make while looking at a food label?

Foods that appear to be a single serving can actually contain more than one serving, such as a bottle of iced tea or a bag of chips.

What questions can you ask yourself to see if your nutritional needs are met? 
  • How would you describe your diet?
  • What does a healthy diet look like to you?
  • What did you have for breakfast?
  • How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you have per day?

What role do minerals play?

  • The functioning of the thyroid gland
  • The functioning of the immune system
  • Muscle function
  • The production of red blood cells
  • Maintaining bone health

Is the healthy weight the same for everybody?

No, everyone has a different weight depending on your height, and other medical conditions, etc.


How can culture affect your weight?

Culture can affect what you eat because like some religions you cannot eat certain things.

You may need to look a certain way according to your religion.


Why should we pay attention to what is on the nutritional label?

You will need to check for particular items on the food label. Especially if you are on a special diet.


What can you talk about with your nutritionist?  

Food, eating habits, and diets.


Is taking supplements necessary?

Not for everyone, ask your psychiatrist.


What foods should I avoid if I want to lose weight?

Fatty foods with lots of sugar and processed foods.


How does culture play a role in obesity? 

If you eat a lot of fast food and sugary foods, it will affect you in the long run.


Other logos are appearing on foods to show that they meet certain guidelines. Are these also useful in making healthy choices?

Labeling systems will make shopping for groceries a little simpler.


How can you benefit from eating healthy?

Better mental health

Better feeling physically 

Brain functions properly 


What do water soluble vitamins include?

Dissolve in water


How can I stop my temptations with sugary foods?

Stop buying the foods

Write down your goals to make you more motivated


How does culture affect your diet?

In certain religions, you are required to eat and stop eating certain things such as fasting, you cannot eat for a certain amount of time.

Are there limitations to using a food label when shopping?

Labels send you details that as part of an overall balanced diet, will help you determine what foods you should consume.


How can bad eating habits affect you?

Affect your mental health and mood

Can affect how you feel physically 

Can affect how you perform in certain activities (School)


What do fat soluble vitamins include?

Dissolves in fat 


Is there a fast way to lose weight?

No there is not because you need to lose weight healthily and if you go on a bad diet, that will stop your progress.


How can culture affect ones body?

Some religions can either have a positive or negative look on body image, this can cause lower self esteem or rising of self esteem.
