Nutrition Science
Food Processing
Myth vs Fact
Nutrition jokes and puns

This nutrient is the primary fuel used by the brain and nerve cells.


The brain accounts for 20-25% of total energy used in the body and the majority of glucose removed from the blood when at rest; therefore, maintaining adequate blood glucose levels is imperative for normal brain function.


True or False: Canned and frozen vegetables are less nutritious than fresh produce


The freezing and canning process does not reduce foods' nutritional value.


Myth vs fact: A dairy allergy is caused by the body's inability to digest lactose.


With a dairy allergy, an immune reaction to protein in milk leads to swelling, breathing problems, and anaphylaxis. 

Lactose intolerance is an inability to digest the sugars in milk products. It causes intestinal symptoms, such as bloating and diarrhea.


True or False: You should drink 8 glasses of water per day.


Fluid needs depend on physical activity, air temperature and humidity levels, individual health status, pregnancy and lactation, genetics.


What do you call cheese that's feeling sad?

Blue cheese!


This vitamin is necessary for calcium absorption.

Vitamin D!

Without vitamin D, the body absorbs no more than 10-15% of dietary calcium.


This cheese is considered "naturally lactose-free," containing less than 0.01g / 100g.


During the aging process, bacteria break down lactose in the milk to use as a food source. The longer a cheese is aged, the more lactose the bacteria present is able to get rid of. This means that aged, hard cheeses are often very low in lactose.


True or false: Choosing foods that are gluten-free will help you eat healthier. 


Gluten-free foods are not healthier unless you have celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten. If you don’t have these health problems but avoid gluten anyway, you may not get the vitamins, fiber, and minerals you need. A gluten-free diet is not a weight-loss diet and is not intended to help you lose weight either.


This organ is primarily responsible for maintaining fluid balance.

The kidneys!

The kidneys filter waste and excess water from the blood to maintain a balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Additionally, the brain and the endocrine system also play a role by releasing hormones that are involved in fluid regulation.


What are twins' favorite fruit?



Fatigue, paleness, tachycardia, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, and poor appetite are all symptoms of deficiency in this mineral.


Because iron is not stored in significant amounts in the body, we need a daily supply of iron-rich foods.


This vitamin is the most likely to get lost during cooking. 

Vitamin C.

High-heat cooking temperatures or prolonged cook time can degrade this vitamin.


Myth vs fact: Using unrefined sugars, such as honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar in place of white table sugar is healthier.



Sugar is sugar, although unrefined sugar options may contain a small number of vitamins and minerals. The advantage is minimal as they are still considered added sugar and contribute to the recommended daily limit on added sugar in the diet.


Knowing that most of the human body is made of water, guess what percentage of your weight is due to water.

About 60%!

Short-term weight fluctuations are generally due to fluid shifts.

Our bones are composed of 22% water, muscles are 76% and blood is 83% water. Lungs are 90%, and our brains are actually 95% water.


What did mozzarella say to cheddar cheese?

You look sharp!


Easily pluckable hair can be a sign of deficiency in this macronutrient.


Other symptoms include: slow wound healing, frequent infections, muscle loss, brittle nails and dry skin, fatigue and weakness, mood changes, poor growth, and insomnia.


This processed food is rich in probiotics and antioxidants.


Fermented pickles are full of good bacteria called probiotics, which are important for gut health.

Cucumbers are high in an antioxidant called beta-carotene, that’s been shown to help lower your chances of dying of heart disease, stroke, cancer, respiratory diseases, and other conditions.

Pickle juice, specifically the vinegar in it, may help keep your blood sugar levels even. That may benefit people who are at risk for diabetes.  


Myth vs fact: your skin will turn orange if you eat too many carrots.


The surprising fact is eating too many carrots, or other foods high in beta-carotene, can cause a yellowish discoloration of the skin. This discoloration, a condition called carotenemia, is most noticeable on the palms and soles.

Also, eating too many tomatoes can cause a yellow-orange discoloration of the skin called lycopenemia, due to the accumulation of lycopene in the tissues. The treatment for lycopenemia is also dietary modification.  


True or False: On average, your body loses the equivalent of 3-4 cups of water through respiration and through the skin by evaporation each day.


These are called "insensible fluid losses" as opposed to "sensible losses" which are visible and measurable such as those in urine and feces.


What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta!


This nutrient is vital for optimal health, it is necessary to make cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids.


80% of your body cholesterol is recycled and only 20% come from the diet.


Cooking this vegetable increases its nutritional value.


In the raw vegetables beneficial phytochemicals are trapped in the cell wall until a heating method is applied. Cooking broccoli increases the release and bioavailability of antioxidants (i.e. lutein, carotene and tocopherols), with longer heating time extracting even more. 

Other vegetables that benefit from cooking are tomatoes, and carrots.


Myth vs fact: Foods with health claims are the sure-bet, go-to healthy choices.


Food label health claims may mislead by only focusing on one or two nutrition-related aspects of a food, rather than looking at its nutritional value from a more holistic perspective.

You’ve all seen food label health claims such as: All Natural, Sugar-free, Vitamin D-rich and many more. While some of these claims can be true, things are not so cut and dried much of the time.

For example, the phrase “All Natural” is not regulated in any way by the FDA.


True or false: headache, delirium, confusion, tiredness (fatigue), dizziness, weakness, light-headedness are all signs of dehydration.


Severe dehydration can lead to severe complications such as seizures, swelling of the brain, kidney failure, shock, coma and even death.


Which friends should you take out to lunch?

Your taste buds!
