Hunger &
Myth Busting
Nutrients, Vitamins, & Minerals
Digestion & Metabolism

What are examples of mental hunger? What is its purpose?

Planning future meals, reviewing prior intake, constant food thoughts, watching food videos, spending extended amounts of time at the grocery store, planning compensatory behaviors 

Mental hunger is an energy-saving way of communicating your body's need for increased nutrition. 


True or False: Fat isn't needed in our diet

False! Your body needs fat for various reasons: 

Absorb vitamins

Part of every cell in your body (brain is 60% fat)

Provides fatty acids your body can't produce

Hormone regulation/reproduction

Body temperature

Immune function

Improved blood sugar regulation

Improved satiety


What are some roles of carbohydrates? How much of the plate should be filled with grains/starches?

-Preferred source of energy for several body tissues and primary energy source for the brain

-Muscle contraction

-Maintaining body temperature

-Keeping the heart beating

-Digesting food 


At least 1/2 the plate :) 

My team is making me eat past fullness. Isn't it unnatural/unhealthy to eat when you're not hungry? 

What might be a recovery-oriented response to this remark? 

Mechanical eating is often required in early stages of recovery, as digestion is severely slowed.

Consistent nutrition is necessary to ensure hunger cues are ultimately calibrated enough to provide adequate nutrition when being followed. 

Nutrition is one small sliver of what can impact one's health. What are some others?

Economic stability

Social and community context

Neighborhood and environment

Health Care




What can help with re-establishing appropriate hunger and fullness cues? 

1. Eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks

2. Not going too long without eating

3. Responding to cravings

4. Including various food groups at meals and snacks

5. Not engaging in compensatory behaviors

6. Improve distress tolerance skills 


What are some reasons BMI doesn't reflect health

1. It was never meant to be applied on an individual basis

2. It was never meant to measure health

3. Categories have changes due to impact from stakeholders (i.e obesity drugs and insurance companies)

4. Doesn't account for differences in race, muscle mass, genetic predisposition..etc

5. Doesn't measure health parameters

6. Many people in the "overweight" and "obese" category are metabolically healthy

7. Doesn't account children's natural BMI increase during puberty

8. Doesn't account for a wide variety of other health factors


A deficiency of this mineral causes osteoporosis



Why could my stomach be hurting?

1. Anxiety! Using your coping skills prior to and during meals can aid in proper digestion

2. Slowed digestion 

3. Chronic physical stress

4. Too much fiber! 


How much does the most expensive pizza in the world cost? 

$12,000 - can only be made by 3 italian chefs and takes 72 hours to make. Contains 3 types of caviar, bufala mozzarella, lobster from Norway and Cilento, and pink Australian sea salt.


What is extreme hunger? Is it normal?

Yes! Your body requires a LOT of nutrition to repair any damage, re-establish trust, and regulate hunger/fullness cues. 

*Think of it as rent. If you went months without paying rent, you would need to pay not only the current months rent, but also the months you missed + maybe even an additional fee for being late :)  


True or false: Research shows dieting leads to long-term weight loss

Research shows 95-98% of people regain the weight back in five years and 2/3 of those will regain more weight back than they start with


Name some foods high in potassium

Oranges, bananas, avocadoes, tomatoes, potatoes


What are some ways you can help manage bloating/gas/abdominal discomfort while nourishing your body? 

1. Build in dailiy self-care practices for stress management

2. Cook vegetables whenever possible - limit total fruit/veg intake

3. Eliminate diet foods - inulin/sugar alcohols

4. Peppermint/Ginger tea 

5. Heat packs, hot water bottles, warm bath

6. Body positioning when pooping! 

7. Consistency with nutrition plan


How does a cashew grow? 

In clusters at the bottom of a cashew apple :0


What is mental restriction? 

Mental restriction is the constant guilt, shame and judgement about eating. 


"I can't still be hungry, I just ate" 

"I will eat whatever I want but I hope I will start eating less"

"I can eat this meal, but have to wait until lunch time" 

thoughts -->emotions --> behaviors --> results

ex: seeing a stick and thinking it's a snake and having a physical reaction


True/False: Tracking calories is recommended to maintain weight and monitor health

Calorie counting can lead to eating past fullness, having trouble connecting with one's natural body's cues, and mental preoccupation with food. If looking to improve health- better approaches include eating a variety of food groups, eating consistently, engaging in health promoting behaviors and improving mental health. 

P.S. calories reported on nutrition fact labels have a margin of error up to 20%. 


What mineral blocks iron absorption? What vitamin can help with iron absorption? 

What else can impact iron absorption?

Calcium can block iron absorption

Vitamin C can aid in iron absorption 

Caffeine can also block iron absorption (might be polyphenols in caffeinated products)


Signs of hypermetabolism 

Night sweats, insomnia, shortness of breath, nervous system dysfunction 


What was the first food planted in space?



What are some ways to fight the mental restriction? 

1) Become aware

2) Challenge the thought with questions

3) Reframe

EX: “I can’t keep eating this much, I have already gained weight!”


Can I really know how much food my body needs? (in reality, you don’t know, only your body knows that)

Maybe I need to gain weight? (if before you were suppressing your weight with restriction and you now finally let go of restriction, of course, your body wants and needs to gain weight)

Has restriction ever worked for me? (restriction has been the problem all along, so how can it be part of a solution?)

Is saying “I need to eat less” helpful? (no, because saying you need to eat less will only make you want to eat even more, right?)

Is it possible my body can control its own weight if given the chance? (yes, actually your body is meant to regulate its own weight but it can only do so if you don’t sabotage the process by putting your body through constant deprivation)

Reframe: If I gain weight by eating to my full hunger it’s because I need it. I am recovering from restriction and allowing myself unrestricted food will reverse that. My body knows how to find its own best weight and how much food it needs. I trust my body.


True/False More protein = More muscle

Yes, protein is important for muscle growth HOWEVER if you are getting adequate protein without adequate total calories, your body will be in a catabolic state. This means your body will be losing muscle. 

Research shows that any protein intake above 0.8g per lb of bodyweight doesn't significantly impact muscle gain.


Beta-carotene is a precursor to what vitamin? 

Vitamin A


How does malnutrition effect your digestion and metabolism? 

Everything SLOWS down! 

1. Decreased movement of muscles in intestines

2. Decreased secretion of digestive enzymes

3. Decreased stomach acid concentration

4. Breakdown of the inner surface of your intestines 

5. Disturbances in production of hormones which regulate appetite 

6. Suppressed thyroid functioning - less thyroid hormones

7. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

8. Fight or flight

What does the brand name M&M stand for?

Their creators: Mars and Murrie
