What does nutrition mean?
Study of how your body uses the food you eat to keep you healthy.
What are the 6 essential nutrients?
Vitamins, fats, water, protein, carbohydrates, minerals
What is vitamin A good for?
Healthy skin, bones, vision, and teeth
Name 2 things calcium does for the body.
Keeps bones healthy, helps blood clotting, helps muscles contract, and regulates normal heart rhythms.
Coke or Pepsi?
What are minerals?
Name 2 good sources of protein.
Meat, fish, eggs, dairy
Name a food rich in Vitamin C
Oranges, peppers, strawberries, broccoli, brussel sprouts, potatoes, kiwi, grapefruit
What does iron deficiency lead to?
Dizziness, brittle nails, weakness, general fatigue, shortness of breath
What is my brother's name?
What are 2 ways that affect why people eat and the way they eat.
Hunger, culture, emotions, advertising, nutrition, cost, texture/taste preferences
What nutrient is found primarily in fruit?
Vitamin C
Which vitamin helps to prevent blood clotting?
Calcium, vitamin K
What mineral helps transport oxygen in the body?
What is the capital of Nebraska?
500 milligrams per day
What are carbohydrates used for?
Providing the body with energy quickly.
What are the 2 types of vitamins? (hint: not letters)
Fat-soluble & water-soluble vitamins
What mineral is important for muscle function?
Who is Mr. Cada's best friend at school?
Mr. Powers
What does "trace amount" mean?
Very small amount of something. So small that it's barely noticeable.
What nutrient is needed to hydrate the body?
What could happen if you don't get enough Vitamin D?
Bone loss, hair loss, muscle pain, depression, high blood pressure, heart attack
Name 2 trace minerals.
Manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, fluoride and selenium