Food is Energy
Serving Sizes
Fun Trivia

Which of these foods is good for your eyes?

A. Pumpkin

B. Carrot

C. Apricot

D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Pumpkin, carrots, and apricots have vitamin A, which is great to keep your eyes healthy!


True or false? Eating breakfast every morning is a great way to power up your body.


Eating breakfast in the morning will boost your energy and alertness!


How many servings of fruits and vegetables should you eat each day?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 5 or more

D. 5 or more!

One serving of fruits and vegetables = 1 cup. Try to eat at least 5 cups of fruits and vegetables every day!


What vegetable looks like a tree?

A. Cauliflower

B. Broccoli

C. Cucumber

D. Carrot

B. Broccoli


How often should you play or exercise each day?

A. 15 minutes

B. 20 minutes

C. 35 minutes

D. 1 hour

D. 1 hour

Try walking, bike riding, dancing, running, playing outside...anything that makes you "huff and puff" helps you power up!


True or false? Eating a balanced diet gives you all the nutrients your body needs


Each food group has different nutrients, so when we eat a variety of foods from all the food groups, our bodies get all of the nutrients we need!


Which of these breakfast foods will provide you with the most energy?

A. Froot Loops

B. Whole grain cereal or oatmeal

C. Cinnamon Roll

D. Poptarts

B. Whole grain cereal or oatmeal

Whole grains take your body longer to digest, so this will give your body more energy all morning!


How much of your plate should you fill with vegetables and fruit?

A. 1/4



C. One half of your plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables when you eat a meal!


Which of the following foods is actually a fruit and not a vegetable?

A. Tomato

B. Corn

C. Potato

D. Carrot

A. Tomato


What active games do you like to play with your friends?

ANY active game!

Examples: hopscotch, jump rope, freeze tag, etc.


Which of the following is a good source of Vitamin C?

A. Strawberries

B. Potatoes

C. Milk

D. Whole wheat bread

A. Strawberries

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of Vitamin C, which helps you build a healthy immune system. This will help you stay healthy and not get sick!


Which of the following is a healthy snack option?

A. Celery sticks with peanut butter

B. A banana

C. Trail mix

D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt make great healthy, energy-boosting snacks!


If you want to stay healthy, can you still eat french fries?

A. No. No fast food, ever!

B. Yes, french fries are healthy since potatoes are a vegetable

C. Sure, just not every day

C. Sure, just not every day

Eating healthy does not mean cutting out ALL fried foods. Foods like french fries are ok if you want a small amount every now and then!


Name a red fruit or vegetable.

Possible answers:

Strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, cherries, apples, watermelon, etc.


What is the most important thing to do before and during exercise?

A. Eat a lot of food

B. Drink a sports drink

C. Drink plenty of water

D. Eat candy

C. Drink plenty of water

As you exercise, you sweat! Sweating removes fluid from your body. It is important to replace lost fluid by drinking water and staying hydrated as you exercise!


Milk, cheese, and yogurt are important for...

A. Strong bones

B. Teeth

C. Muscles

D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Milk, cheese, and yogurt contain calcium, which is a mineral that helps our muscles and nerves to work properly! These dairy products are the best way to give your body the calcium it needs.


What kinds of food boost your energy and help you focus in school?

A. Whole grains like cereal

B. Protein like eggs, milk, and yogurt

C. Candy

D. Both A and B

D. Both A and B

Eating whole grains and protein will help boost your energy and increase your focus in school!


How much trail mix should you eat in a serving?



Your palm is about 1/4 cup, which is the serving size for trail mix or other nuts. 


What is the only fruit to have seeds on the outside?

A. Strawberry

B. Peach

C. Tomato

D. Apple

A. Strawberry

Strawberries are the only fruit that have seeds on the outside!


What will make your muscles stronger?

A. Playing on the monkey bars

B. Using a controller to play video games

C. Watching tv

D. Sitting on the couch

A. Playing on the monkey bars

Moving and exercising will help you build healthy bones and strong muscles!


Which of these is NOT an electrolyte?

A. Sodium

B. Potassium

C. Magnesium

D. Fiber

D. Fiber

Electrolytes are needed to help you stay hydrated when you are outside playing and sweating! Drinking liquids or eating foods with electrolytes will help you avoid getting dehydrated.


What should you do if you hate broccoli?

A. Feed it to your dog

B. Give up on eating vegetables

C. Give another vegetable a chance!

D. Cover the broccoli in ranch or another dressing

C. Give another vegetable a chance!

Not everyone likes broccoli, but there are so many different kinds of vegetables. Keep trying new vegetables, you are bound to find one you like! 

You can add small amounts of ranch (or another dressing) to vegetables, but try to slow down. Too much can be unhealthy!


What should you drink the most of each day?

A. Milk

B. Water

C. Orange Juice

D. Energy drinks

B. Water

You should drink 6-8 cups of water a day!


Where are brussel sprouts grown?

A. On a tree

B. In a bush

C. Under the ground

D. On a stem

D. On a stem!

Brussel sprouts are grown on a stem and are cut off before sold in the store!


What happens to your body when you exercise?

A. Your voice gets louder

B. Your brain gets 20% larger

C. Your blood flow increases

C. Your blood flow increases

Increasing blood flow helps your heart and lungs work better, and gets more oxygen to your brain so you can think better!
