In defense of carbohydrates...
In defense of food...

 Five basic physiological human needs.

What is food, water, shelter, sleep, and clothing?


This emotion is described as being open and letting in feelings allowing us to process and become stronger, more whole, and integrated people.

What is being vulnerable?


Writing what you think, feel, and worry about is a great exercise to help you see what is really going on in the moment, also called a _____ dump.

What is brain?


Name three main types of carbohydrate.

What is sugar, fiber, and starches?


This hormone tells our body it’s time to eat.

What is ghrelin?


Based on set point theory, your weight has an average range it stays in within your lifetime. It is determined by your ______, _______, and _______ and is maintained by your body’s regulatory system.

What is environment, genetics, and hormones?


This type of eating uses food to fill emotional or social needs. All humans eat this way, and the more neutral food becomes, the more our body will naturally, without thinking about it, balance, and account for times when we eat “more than we need.”

What is emotional eating?


What you believe about what you’re eating has [more] or [less] power over your physiological response to food than the actual caloric and nutritional value of the food.

What is more?


Certain types of carbohydrates encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines which aids ________ and help with the absorption of _______.

What is digestion and water?


Thinking about doing this can make the body feel the effects of deprivation before you even start, affecting your hunger and satiation hormones.

What is restricting?


Adapting to a mindset where food is not based on moral values, also called Food Neutrality, removes you from feeling these types of emotions often associated when moralizing foods.

What is shame, guilt, or judgment?


Poor eating _______ restricts blood supply to digestive muscles resulting in poor digestion.

What is posture?


This type of value is the center and utmost importance within your life.

What is core value?


Low carbohydrate intake can cause bad breath due to the release of ______.

What is ketones?


After enjoying a meal, our rest and ____ response signals our body to lower its heart rate and relax.

What is digest?


How is Newton's Third Law used as an example in recovery from restrictive eating habits?

A restricted diet can set off a motion like a pendulum swing. When restriction occurs (when you swing the pendulum starting from the top), your body needs ‘excess’ food to heal (causing the pendulum to swing to the top of the opposite direction with the inability to stop its momentum at the center).


These four organs lose mass during starvation.

What is brain, heart, kidney and liver?


Refeeding and good food variety can improve ______ diversity and in turn the overall health of the gut.

What is microbial?


Carbohydrates release this chemical preventing low mood and depression. It also helps you sleep well and feel more alert when awake.

What is serotonin?


In digestion, enzymes break down carbohydrates into these three sugars.

What is glucose, galactose, and fructose?


These 2 stress hormones are released when the body is not eating enough carbs or sugar impairing metabolism and causing inflammation throughout the body.

What is cortisol and adrenaline?


Dysbiosis in the gut microbiome is a direct factor of the ______-______ ______ normal functioning and can lead to digestion issues such as stomach cramping and bloating.

What is gut-brain axis?


Our beliefs directly affect our body and shape the way we see the world around us. This is called ______ _____.

What is confirmation bias?


These three hormones control glucose in the blood.

What is insulin, cortisone, and adrenaline?


It is important to prevent unnecessary muscle breakdown from occurring, which can be caused by inadequate intake, as this process releases toxins into the blood, which places pressure on our ________.

What are the kidneys?
