What does the Endocrine system help regulate? Name at least two functions
Cellular Metabolism
Growth & Development of the Body
Reproductive Function
Blood Sugar Levels
Name at least 4 trace minerals we covered on the recent Legends Call.
Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Iodine, Copper, Boron
Lack of that nutrient, along with the lack of resistance training, will risk losing lean muscle mass.
What is protein?
What is the main reason behind tracking your food?
To hit your calorie and protein targets
Provide the name for the two types of cholesterol.
LDL low-density lipoproteins
HDL high-density lipoproteins
Name at least 4 major glands of the endocrine system.
hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, and reproductive organs
What trace mineral helps make protein and genetic material?
What is Zinc?
What approach can negatively impact your body(slow down your metabolism, or make you overeat) especially when done over long periods?
Skipping meals or Extreme Calorie Restrictions
Who might benefit most from tracking their nutrition and fitness?
Name at least 3 nutritional strategies that you could utilize to lower your cholesterol levels.
Avoiding trans fats, Reduce saturated fat, Eliminate cholesterol intake, Increase fiber intake, Eat more soy,
A balanced endocrine system is crucial for maintaining......?
Homeostasis- your body's internal stability.
Pale or yellow skin, unexplained fatigue, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and shortness of breath could be a sign that you are deficient in what trace mineral?
What is Iron?
Name three examples of the most common vegan healthy, calorie-dense foods where portion control is important.
Nuts, avocado and olive oil?
What are some strategies to reach our goals without tracking? (name at least 3)
Bodyweight tracking, Hunger & Satiety Signals, Food Selection, Meal Frequency, Diet Heuristics
What lifestyle factors could you implement to achieve healthy cholesterol levels? name at least 3
Exercise regularly, Maintain a healthy weight, Quit smoking, Reduce stress
What is considered a master gland?
Pituitary gland
What mineral helps produce thyroid hormones which help regulate growth, development, body temperature and metabolic rate?
What is Selenium?
What could be missing in your diet when you are experiencing headaches, fatigue, poor digestion and decreased exercise performance?
What is Water?
By what percentage can the calories and macros on a food label differ from the actual values?
By 20%
What is the recommended total and LDL cholesterol level for optimal heart health, according to the American Heart Association?
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people should aim for a total cholesterol level below 150 mg/dL, with LDL cholesterol at or below 100 mg/dL.
Name at least 4 examples of endocrine disruptors.
Phthalates, Parabens, Dioxins and Pesticides.
This trace mineral helps your body metabolize key vitamins and minerals, has a key role in bone health and also affects estrogen and testosterone levels.
What is Boron?
What is the key to a healthy, balanced diet?
What is Consistency?
Name at least three non-exercise factors that influence daily energy expenditure.
Breathing rate, Heart rate, Fidgeting, Digestion, Stress
What fats lower total cholesterol(HDL and LDL)?
What are Polyunsaturated Fats?