Gut health
We are dietitians
Hodge podge

Canadians are at high risk of deficiency for this micronutrient - Toronto only got 30 days of sunshine this winter!

What is vitamin D?


Consuming foods with probiotics may help with digestion and bloating; some common sources include yogurt, miso sauerkraut, and this fermented cabbage often found in Korean cuisine.

What is kimchi?


While there is no official definition for superfood, these pitted tropical fruits used to make guacamole sure are great - they are high in fibre and healthy omega-9 fats!

What are avocados?


In addition to a bachelor's degree in food and nutrition, dietetic students must complete this hands-on type of education before they complete their training. 

What is an internship?


There is very little evidence showing that this high-protein food raises cholesterol levels - so go ahead and enjoy your omelet this weekend!

What are eggs?


Cooking at home more often is a great way to reduce your intake of this mineral, which needs to be monitored by individuals with high blood pressure. 

What is sodium?


This fermented bread product has good bacteria that are great for our gut, and tastes delicious with mashed avocado!

What is sourdough?


To everyone's relief, this energizing beverage has been shown to support liver health by providing a boost of anti-oxidants.

What is coffee?


There are three universities in Ontario that have an approved Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice: Toronto Metropolitan University, Brescia College in London, and this institution located approximately halfway between the two. 

What is the University of Guelph?


The balanced plate model is a tool commonly used by dietitians to help people build healthy meals by making a quarter of the plate carbohydrates, a quarter plate protein, and half of the plate this type of nutrient-dense food. 

What are vegetables?


While you might not develop superior night vision, adequate intake of this nutrient found in carrots and sweet potatoes is still important for eye health!

What is vitamin A?


Evidence suggests two of these hairy fruits can help to alleviate constipation. 

What is kiwi?


These nutrient-packed foods high in fibre and low in saturated fat make a great protein replacement for individuals trying to reduce their meat consumption. 

What are legumes/beans?


In addition to providing nutrition education, dietitians must be adept at this skill, involving building rapport, motivational interviewing, and goal setting. 

What is counseling?


In addition to water intake, fruits, vegetables, soup, and herbal tea all contribute to this.

What is hydration/fluid status?


This micronutrient has been shown to be effective for reducing muscle cramps, acting as a laxative, and improving sleep - nighty night!

What is magnesium?


Some common triggers of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, include spicy foods, citrus, tomatoes, and these yummy treats often eaten during holidays. 

What is chocolate?


Individuals with seafood allergies may want to supplement this essential nutrient, also found in flax seeds, hemp hearts, and walnuts. 

What are omega-3 fatty acids?


Like most healthcare professionals, registered dietitians are regulated by this provincial governing body, responsible for ensuring responsible and ethical dietetic practice. 

What is the College of Dietitians of Ontario?


While most people attribute body weight to diet and exercise, evidence suggests that this factor may actually be the biggest contributor!

What is genetics?


Vegetarians can maximize their iron intake by pairing plant-based sources like spinach with this micronutrient to facilitate absorption.

What is vitamin C?


While beans and broccoli do cause bloating, this behaviour may be playing an even larger role.

What is skipping meals?


Calcium, an important mineral for bone health, can be found in a variety of foods including dairy products, leafy green vegetables, tofu, and these small black seeds that can be used to make pudding!

What is chia?


Unlike nutritionists, only registered dietitians are licensed to provide recommendations for nutrition-related health issues, in a practice called this. 

What is medical nutrition therapy?


Listening to hunger and fullness cues, eating slowly, and savouring your food are concepts of this practice often recommended by dietitians. 

What is mindful eating?
