What is body image?
The way someone perceives their body and assume that others perceive them.
What percent of American women are unhappy with their bodies?
What are fad diets?
Diets that are popular for a short-period of time.
Eating disorders are what?
A serious mental illness.
What is anorexia?
Not maintaining necessary body weight.
What is the image often affected by?
Any of the one:
Friends, family, social pressure, and media.
What percentage of college aged girls feel pressured to be a certain weight?
What do fad diets promote?
Are eating disorders a choice?
What is bulimia?
Binge eating followed by self-induced weight loss.
Eating disorders and mental health issues.
What percentage of men consider cosmetic surgery?
How are fad diets promoted?
As a quick fix with little effort.
Where do eating disorders more commonly appear?
In Industrialized regions.
True or false? Men are at more risk for eating disorders than women.
What is body image linked to?
95% of people with eating disorders are between what ages?
12 and 25
How are fad diets characterized?
Restrictive or unusual food choices.
What problems can eating disorders cause?
Mental, social, and physical distress.
True or false? Athletes are at a higher risk than most people.
Lower the body image, the lower the what?
Professional help.
What is one of the most famous fad diets that says we should eat only things from the caveman era?
The Paleo diet.
What is anorexia as common as?