What is our main source of energy?
What are the five food groups?
Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Dairy, Protein
What are the two types of fat? What is one word/phrase that describes each fat?
Saturated = Animal-based
Unsaturated = Plant-based
Name five terms found on a nutrition label?
This nutrient supports the healing and repairing of muscles, bones, skin, and hair?
What is the maximum amount of daily calories for men?
Name 3 types of Protein
Which of the two carbs is considered the good carb and which is considered the bad carb?
Simple = Bad Carb
Complex = Good Carb
Percentage of Daily Value or Daily Value Percentage
What nutrient helps our bodies absorb other nutrients?
What is the maximum amount of daily calories for women?
Name 3 types of whole grains?
What nutrient is not really a nutrient but is essential?
What is the first part of the nutrition label that we should read?
Which nutrient is an organic substance that supports the growth and development of our bodies?
What is a caloric deficit? What will happen if you are in a caloric deficit?
Less than the amount of calories you should have...
What are three benefits of fruits & vegetables?
What is a trans fat?
Artificial Fat
Which items on the Nutrition Label should we limit?
Sodium, Fats, and Cholesterol
This nutrient consists of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and other inorganic substances. What am I?
What is a caloric surplus? What happens if someone is in caloric surplus?
Over the amount of daily calories needed a day
What type of grain is White Rice, White Pasta, and White Bread?
Refined Grain
What macronutrient is Fiber?
What are the two percentages that determine what is considered low and high in the %DV?
5% and less = Low
20% and more = High