Name the Food Groups
Added Sugars and Fats
How many rules are we trying to follow?
What does the S stand for in S.N.A.C.K.S.?
Smaller Portions
Trying to eat the right amount of calories is called?
Portion Control
What calorie diet is the percent daily value based on?
2,000 calories
What fat is healthier?
Name 2 consequences for skipping breakfast.
Affects Metabolism
Affects Emotions
Nutrient Deficiencies
Food Cravings
Slower cognitive function
Cause Headaches
Affects Heart Health
Low Energy
What does the N stand for in S.N.A.C.K.S.?
Not in front of the T.V.
Healty eating styles- why does it matter?
Everything over time matters
How many minutes of physical activity should you receive each day?
At least 60 minutes but start at 10 minutes at a time and add it up.
Complete the following-
Switch from white bread to ______
Wheat or Whole-grain bread
Name 2 reasons for skipping breakfast.
1. Late
2. Not Hungry
3. Do not like to eat breakfast
What does the A stand for in S.N.A.C.K.S.?
Am I really hungry?
When trying to lower your blood pressure, you can change salt to what in your diet?
Spices and Herbs
What is considered low for % daily value?
What is considered high for % DV?
Why is it important to have a healthy diet?
-Manage Weight
--Prevents overweight and Obesity
--Reduces risk of chronic disease
-- Reduces risk of early mortality
-- Better quality of life-
Name the rules of 3 for breakfast.
A. Include one Serving of protein-rich foods- This helps stabilize blood sugar, helps delay hunger, and is the building block of the muscles. They build, repair, and maintain tissues.
B. Include a serving of whole grains. This will provide your body with fiber, give you longer energy, and provide some of the vitamins and minerals you need daily.
C. Include colorful foods, not candy. This means fruits and vegetables. Eating these foods will provide your body with nutrient-rich foods that build your immunity.
What does the C stand for in S.N.A.C.K.S.?
Choose low-fat foods
What can you try instead of Ice Cream?
Name at least 3 nutrients that should be on the LOW side of the %DV
Saturated Fat
Zucchini belongs to which food group?
It's recommended that you eat breakfast within how long after you wake up?
1-2 hours
What does the K and the S stand for in S.N.A.C.K.S.?
K- Kitchen is a good place to eat
S- Sit down, Slow down, Savory and Enjoy
What is my plate?
Healthy eating style
Five food groups
Visual place setting
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Name at least 5 nutrients that should be on the HIGH side of the %DV
Vitamin A
Vitamin C