What is one carbohydrate food?
What is one protein food?
Meat, milk, cheese, yoghurt, tofu, peas, lentils, oats, quinoa
What is one fats food?
Seeds, nuts, oils, meat, cream, butter, baked goods
Name all 6 vitamins we looked at
A, B, C, D, E, K
Name the three main minerals?
Calcium, Iron, and Sodium
What is the main function of carbohydrates?
Main energy source
What is the main function of protein?
To build and repair muscles
What is the main function of fats?
Energy source, and helps protect vital organs
What is a water soluble vitamin?
What is the main function of calcium?
Helps build strong bones and teeth
What are the 2 types of carbohyrdates?
Simple and Complex
Which food group does protein belong to?
Meat and Meat Alternatives
What are the 4 types of fats?
Monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, and trans fatty acids
What is a fat soluble vitamin?
A vitamin that gets stored in the body
What food group is iron associated with?
Meat and Meat Alternatives
What are simple carbohydrates?
Provide short bursts of energy that doesn't last a long period of time
What are the two protein food sources
Animal and Plant
Name the 2 good and 2 bad fats
Good = monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
Bad = saturated and trans fatty acids
Name the two water soluble vitamins
Vitamin B and C
What is caused if we have too much salt in our diet?
High blood pressure
What are complex carbohydrates?
Slow releasing energy that lasts a long period of time
What is the relationship between protein and oxygen?
Protein increases red blood cells, which help carry oxygen around the body
What is the worst fat for you?
Trans fatty acids
Name the four fat soluble vitamins
Vitamin D, E, K, A
What is the name of the main calcium deficiency