Word Meaning
Key Ideas and Details
Test-Taking Strategies

Humorous use of a words different meaning. 

a. Pun 

b. Flashback 

c. Foreshadowing 

d. Word Play

What is a pun.


Read the passage. Bernadou clung to his home with a dogged devotion. He would not go from it to fight unless compelled, but for it he would have fought like a lion. (passage continues) (from “A Leaf in the Storm” by Louise De La Ramee) Based on the passage, which statement about Bernadou is most likely NOT true?

1. Bernadou had traveled to the capital of his country many times.

2. Bernadou was a drifter, never spending much time in any one place.

3. Bernadou would fight with loyalty and fierceness for his home.

Bernadou had traveled to the capital of his country many times.


Read the story. The lights went out, and people at the costume ball stopped dancing. They spoke in whispers. Then a guest dressed as a lion tamer cried aloud, “Watch out!” Polly screamed. (passage continues) Who is most likely the thief in this story?

1. the lion tamer

2. Polly

3. Detective Cutler

4. the pirate

What is the pirate.


What does the prefix dis- mean?

a. not or opposite of

b. again

c. too much

d. earlier or before

What is not or opposite of (a).


What should you do before answering any question. 

a. pray 

b. raise your hand to go to the bathroom 

c. analyze what the question is asking 

d. crack your knuckles

What is analyze what the question is asking.


Going back to an earlier time. 

a. Pun 

b. Flashback 

c. Foreshadowing 

d. Word Play

What is flashback.


Read the sentences. Lightning struck the ________ of the lilac tree. Please put the old costumes in the _______ in the attic. Which word will fit in both spaces?

1. trunk

2. branch

3. limb

4. root

What is trunk.


Read the passage. He lived on the bank of a mighty river, broad and deep, which was always silently rolling on to a vast undiscovered ocean. It had rolled on, ever since the world began. It had changed its course sometimes, and turned into new channels, leaving its old ways dry and barren. (passage continues) (from “Nobody’s Story” by Charles Dickens) What is the main point in this passage?

1. The river supported life on its banks.

2. It is hard to swim against the tide.

3. The flow of the river to the ocean is unchanging.

4. Earth will continue to circle around the sun.

What is the flow of the river to the ocean is unchanging.


Which of these aren't suffixes? 

a. -able, can be done: (comfortable) 

b. -es more than one: (houses, boxes) 

c. -ing, -ed -ing: happening now (singing) -ed: in the past (walked) 

d. re-, to do again: (retried, reused)

What is re-, to do again: (retried, reused) (d), it is a prefix.


Which of these is NOT a good test-taking strategy? 

a. Noting key words and phrases. 

b. Going back to the text to prove your answer. 

c. Eliminating answers that are not correct. 

d. Answering questions quickly.

What is answering questions quickly (d).


Clever use of words. 

a. Pun 

b. Flashback 

c. Foreshadowing 

d. Word Play

What is word play.


Read the sentence. Although the storm outside was ferocious, Nate left the comfort of the cabin and trudged toward home. Which word best matches the connotative meaning of “ferocious” as it is used in the sentence?

1. barbaric

2. inhuman

3. intense

4. untamed

What is intense.


Read the passage. More Than a Writer Many people today use bifocals, eyeglasses that aid people’s vision for objects both near and far away. Some people use cast-iron wood-burning stoves to heat their homes. (passage continues) Which aspect of the passage best supports the idea that Franklin was a creative visionary?

1. the danger associated with Franklin’s famous kite-flying experiment

2. the example of the wide range of inventions that Franklin developed

3. the mention of Franklin’s role in writing the Declaration of Independence

4. the similarities between today’s bifocal

What is the example of the wide range of inventions that Franklin developed (2.)


Which of the following sentences is an opinion? 

A. Nicole ate one vegetable yesterday. 

B. Nicole is polite to her classmates. 

C. Nicole has brown hair. 

D. Nicole ran faster than Jacob.

What is Nicole is polite to her classmates (b).


What strategy will most help you do well on the test. 

a. taking your time 

b. not rushing 

c. taking time to think about your answer 

d. finishing early

What is taking your time (a, b or c).


Hints to what will happen. 

a. Pun 

b. Flashback 

c. Foreshadowing 

d. Word Play

What is foreshadowing.


Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research. What does “esteemed” mean?

a. held over boiling water

b. very old

c. unable to chew gum

d. greatly admired

What is greatly admired (d).


Read the passage. A Unique Creature: The Thorny Devil The thorny devil is a very interesting and unusual creature. From its name, one might guess that it is large and scary. (passage continues) Which explanation is the most likely reason the author includes a chapter heading in this passage?

1. to present information about key vocabulary terms

2. to supply reasons why this is an interesting subject

3. to explain background information about the subject

4. to provide an idea of what the selection will be about

What is to provide an idea of what the selection will be about (4).


Wash the tapioca and soak over night in cold water. Cook it and the stock together very gently for one hour. Cut the onion and celery into small pieces, and put on to cook for twenty minutes with the milk and mace. Strain on the tapioca and stock. Season with salt and pepper, add butter and serve. When do you cut the onion and celery? 

a. After cooking it for twenty minutes 

b. After cooking the tapioca and stock 

c. After washing the tapioca 

d. After straining the tapioca and stock

What is after cooking the tapioca and stock (b).


What should you NOT do when answering a question? 

a. Read the question and the possible answers first before reading the passage. 

b. Read the passage looking for specific information. 

c. If answer "a" is correct, save time by moving on to the next question instead of reading the other answers. 

d. If you didn't get the answer, reread the question.

What is If answer "a" is correct, save time by moving on to the next question instead of reading the other answers (c).


To end or bring to conclusion. 

a. Pun 

b. Flashback 

c. Resolve 

d. Parable

What is resolve.


Montero was ______ about the upcoming investigation, and he was only made more ______ by the newspaper accounts of it.

A. upset … easygoing

B. angry … frightened

C. relaxed … stressed

D. anxious … nervous

E. aggressive … calm

What is anxious … nervous (d).


Read the passage. Bernadou clung to his home with a dogged devotion. He would not go from it to fight unless compelled, but for it he would have fought like a lion. (passage continues) (from “A Leaf in the Storm” by Louise De La Ramee) Based on the passage, which statement about Bernadou is most likely true?

1. Bernadou had traveled to the capital of his country many times.

2. Bernadou was a drifter, never spending much time in any one place.

3. Bernadou would fight with loyalty and fierceness for any good cause.

What is Bernadou would fight with loyalty and fierceness forany good cause. (3)


"Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play Major League Baseball in the United States during the 20th century. On April 15, 1947, he broke the decades-old “colour line” of Major League Baseball when he appeared on the field for the National League Brooklyn Dodgers in a game against the Boston Braves."

Which choice best describes how the author organizes this passage about Jackie Robinson? 

a. cause and effect 

b. compare and contrast 

c. chronological order 

d. notable achievements

What is notable achievements (d.)


Which of these should you NOT do on the test? 

a. Stay relaxed and confident. 

b. Keep a good attitude and remind yourself that you are going to do your best. 

c. Quickly read the directions. 

d. Be happy if the questions are hard.

What is quickly read the directions (c).
