NWEA Grammar 1
NWEA Grammar 2
NWEA Reading 1
NWEA Grammar (Advanced)
NWEA Reading 3

Which is spelled correctly? 

a. disapear

b. disappeer 

c. disappear 

d. disapeer

What is "c" disappear


1. Allen has ______ homework than Amy, but Kathy has the _______ homework of all three. Choose the best word pair to complete this sentence. 

a. least, less 

b. lesser, least 

c. less, lest 

d. less, least

What is "d" less, least


Read the passage. Once the flower buds are formed, it doesn’t matter if the plant is kept indoors or in deep shade. Full sun tends to fade the flowers faster, while cool temperatures prolong their staying power. Although a light frost won’t harm most mums, play it safe and bring them indoors if a cold snap threatens. In the passage, the phrase “full sun” means: 

a. shade 

b. deep shade 

c. light half of the day 

d. cool temperatures

What is "c" light half of day


Which word is spelled correctly?

a. consistancy

b. preferance

c. appearance

d. excellance

What is "c" appearance


Read the passage. [Mother] went back to work, closing the door. At first the sound of the boy dragging brush annoyed her. Then he began to chop. The blows were rhythmic and steady, and shortly she had forgotten him, the sound no more of an interruption than a consistent rain. She supposed an hour and a half passed, for when she stopped and stretched, and heard the boy’s steps on the cabin stoop, the sun was dropping behind the farthest mountain, and the valleys were purple with something deeper than the asters. After the boy dragged the brush, what did he do? 

a. He began to chop. 

b. He watched the sunset. 

c. He began to stretch . 

d. He listened to the rain.

What is "a" He began to chop


Select the sentence with all words spelled correctly. 

a. Ann likes to read storys about partys. 

b. The funny monkeys played with the toys. 

c. The wifes made delicious loafs of bread. 

d. The branchs sank from the weight of the snow.

What is "b" The funny monkeys played with the toys.


I used _______ eggs than Ellen did. Choose the best word to complete the sentence. 

a. less 

b. most 

c. fewer 

d. greater

What is "c" fewer


Read the passage. “A few days before leaving, make up a checklist of what you intend to take,” advises McAlpin. A day or two later, revise the list and cut it down. Then, as you pack, check off each item as you go. “Keep this checklist and use it as a guide for you r next getaway,” she says. “Build your wardrobe using one or two basic colors so that the same shoes and accessories can be worn with pretty much every thing,” recommends McAlpin. She suggests the combinations of black and white, brown and beige, or black and beige. Also pack items that are multipurpose. For example, a large T-shirt can double as a nightgown and a beach cover-up; flip flops can double as slippers and casual shoes. “And make sure each item can be worn with at least two outfits.” Why do the directions say to include one or two basic colors in your wardrobe selection? 

a. Items can be worn with most everything. 

b. Items are easier to pack. 

c. Items provide for sameness in attire. 

d. Items can be washed in one load.

What is "a" Items can be worn with most everything.


Which word is NOT spelled correctly?

a. experience

b. science

c. efficiency

d. nieghbor

What is "d" nieghbor (it should be neighbor)


Read the sentences. a. Then, I fell twice, hard, once dropping my gun. b. Later, we flushed a covey of qual and I killed two over the bank. c. It was a bright, cold day, and the ground covered with a sleet that had frozen. d. I took the young Irish Setter for a little walk up the road. If these sentences made a story, which events would occur first and last? 

a. c, b 

b. b, d 

c. a, c 

d. d, c

What is "a" c, b


Which sentence has the underlined word spelled correctly? 

a. I think a letter has been omited from that word. 

b. Sophia will flatten the clay with a rolling pin. 

c. Lisa benifited from the art lesson she took. 

d. I need to sharpin my pencil for the exam.

What is "b" Sophia will flatten the clay with a rolling pin.


Which sentence is written correctly? 

a. This gift is large than that gift. 

b. There are less choices on the menu now. 

c. These are a better bargain than those.

d. Her dog is biggest than his.

What is "c" These are a better bargain than those.


Read the passage. One morning less than a week before their bout, they met as usual for their daily workout. They fooled around with a few jabs at the air, slapped skin, and then took off, running lightly along the dirty East River’s edge. When they met for their workout, what was the first thing they did? 

a. They jabbed into the air. 

b. They went for a run. 

c. They slapped each other. 

d. They jumped rope.

What is "a" They jabbed into the air.


Which line contains a spelling error?

a. patios, radios, heros

b. potatoes, tomatoes, concertos

c. altos, pianos, solos

d. rodeos, videos, sopranos

What is "a" patios, radios, heros


Read the paragraph. A few days ago Craig cleaned up the garage, and checked the tire pressure on his bike. Yesterday he washed his clothes. This morning he had to study. He studied from 10:00a.m. to 2:30p.m. He has to play basketball at 6:00p.m. According to this paragraph, which statement is true?

a. Craig hasn’t washed his clothes.

b. Craig will play basketball at 6:00p.m.

c. Craig has to go to the dentist tomorrow.

d. Craig only studied for 2 hours.

What is "b" Craig will play basketball at 6:00 p.m.


Which is spelled correctly? 

a. anonymus 

b. anonymous 

c. anonimous 

d. anonimus

What is "b" anonymous


1. Today, we went out and danced wildly in the hall. Which word tells “how”? 

a. today 

b. out 

c. went 

d. wildly

What is "d" wildly


Read the passage. At the very time of the humiliation at Fort Duquesne—when George Washington, Daniel Boone, and General Edward Braddock were defeated by French and Indian foes—a Mohawk Indian was readying himself for a warriors’ dance. The Mohawk—name Warraghiyagey (war-rag-ee- YAH-gay)—painted bright designs on his naked chest, stepped into a deerskin kilt adorned with porcupine quills, and donned a cap topped with a single eagle feather. Tied to his wrists and ankles were dried deer’s hoofs that rattled as he moved. He ate of ceremonial dog meat and threw a red-painted hatchet onto a war post. Soon he would lead the strenuous dance. In the last three sentences to whom does “he” refer? 

a. Fort Duquesne 

b. George Washington 

c. Daniel Boone 

d. Warraghiyagey

What is "d" Warraghiyagey


After completing a difficult race, Marty was proud to find his name on the winner’s board. The words "difficult" and "proud" are:

a. nouns

b. adjectives

c. verbs d.adverbs

What is "b" adjectives


…[T]he more he labored, the more difficult his task became. From the stump of each head that he cut off, two other heads, with forked and hissing tongues, immediately sprang. Faced with an endless and increasing effort, Hercules was at a loss [for] what to do. It seemed to him that heat might prove more powerful than cold steel, and he commanded [his friend] to burn the root of each head with a red-hot iron immediately after it was severed from the neck. This plan was successful. The heads no longer sprouted up again, and soon the dangerous and destructive animal lay dead, though still writhing in the black marsh water among the reeds. Hercules cut its body open and dipped his arrows in the blood. Choose the correct order of events. 

a. cut off the head, two more heads sprouted, burned the root of each head, dipped his arrows in the blood 

b. burned the root of each head, cut off the head, two more heads sprouted, dipped his arrows in the blood 

c. two heads sprout, dipped his arrows in blood, cut off the head, burned the root of each head 

d. dipped his arrows in blood, two more heads sprouted, cut off the head, burned the root of each head

What is "a" cut off the head, two more heads sprouted, burned the root of each head, dipped his arrows in the blood


Which word is spelled correctly? 

a. mispell 

b. critisize 

c. extrardinary 

d. recommend

What is "d" recommend


She is especially fond of that teddy bear. What does “especially” mean in this sentence? 

a. rather 

b. extremely 

c. not 

d. sort of

What is "b" extremely


Wolves are carnivorous, predatory animals. They live together in packs with an alpha male who is the dominant leader. Wolves hunt mostly at dusk, and they prey on elk, deer, coyotes, rabbits, and other animals in their habitat. Sometimes, they even prey on moose. What is the alpha male? 

a. the pack 

b. the prey 

c. the leader 

d. the elk

What is "c" the leader


Which sentence is NOT written correctly?

a. Liz seldom uses the dictionary.

b. Gail drives cautious on icy roads.

c. James drives more slowly than the average driver.

d. Braxton never seems to make it to the bus stop on time.

What is "b" and should be Gail Drives cautiously on the icy roads.


Read the passage. When I had made an end of these labors, it was four o’clock—still dark as midnight. As the bell sounded the hour, there came a knocking at the street door. I went down to open it with a light heart—for what had I now to fear? There entered three men, who introduced themselves, with perfect suavity, as officers of the police. A shriek had been heard by a neighbor during the night; suspicion of foul play had been aroused; information had been lodged at the police office, and they (the officers) had been deputed to search the premises. What happens next? 

a. The police search the house. 

b. The police arrest the man. 

c. The police leave the man’s house. 

d. The police ask for information.

What is "a" The police search the house.
