Cause and Effect
Making Inferences
Main Idea
Nonfiction Text Features

The prefix in the word rebuild is...

What is "re"


Hannah was running late to work this morning. When she tried to make breakfast she noticed she was out of milk for cereal, so she decided to stop at McDonald's for some food. What caused Hannah to be late to work this morning? 

What is "being out of milk and deciding to stop at McDonald's"


The dog barked when he saw a bushy tail running up the tree trunk. What did the dog see? 

What is a squirrel 


The central topic, or what a passage or story is really about is known as...

What is main idea


Word under or around a picture that describe what the picture is

What is a caption


The suffix in the word unthinkable is...

what is "able"


Jada always had a fear of roller coasters since she was a little girl. On a trip to Six Flags with her friends, she spent a lot of time waiting on her friends while they road rides. Her phone was nearly dead from spending her free time playing on it while her friends were riding rides. Why was Jada's phone dying? 

What is "because she was playing on it instead of riding coasters with her friends"


The kids build a sand castle after they went swimming. Where were the kids at? 

What is the beach

The five ways to figure out what the main idea of a passage is are; 

what is 

-look at titles and headings

-look at pictures

-look at first and last sentence

-look for clue words that are used over and over

-ask yourself "what is the author telling me?"


Organizes information and thoughts, often in the shape of a circle, box, dash or arrow.

What is bullets


The root word in the word microscopic is _______.

What is scope


Katie ate all of her breakfast because she was hungry. The cause is ____ and the effect is _____. 

What is "she was hungry" and "she ate all of her breakfast"


"Remember to put your gloves and scarf on!" mom yelled as I ran out the door to go play. What season do you think it is? Why do you think that? 

What is winter


I read a nonfiction book the other day that talked about different animals that live in forests. It gave me pictures of what sloths look like and where they live, but no pictures of the other animals. I also learned that sloth's don't drink water because they get water from the fruit they eat. What was my book mostly about?

What is sloths


An image that is drawn by hand is an ________ but a picture taken with a camera is a ______.

What is an illustration and what is a photograph.


The meaning of the prefix "ir" in irregular means _____.

What is "not"


In the poem; Little Miss Muffet, sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and way. Along came a spider, who sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away. The effect is Miss Muffet being frightened away. What is the cause? 

What is "along came a spider"


I have quite an exciting job that allows me to work with a lot of exotic animals. I work from the early morning to the late evening because a lot of critters depend on me. I am in charge of cleaning habitats, feeding animals and making sure all of the critters are happy and healthy. What is my occupation and how do you know that? 

What is a vet or zookeeper and What is "because they clean habitats, feed animals and work with exotic animals"


Some kinds of bats eat many insects. Some bats can eat up to 600 mosquitoes in one hour. Bats are helpful to the environment. They help us by eating insects. Without bats, we would have too many insects. What is this passage about? 

What is "that bats eat insects"


Type of print that is slanted, often these are titles of books or movies.

What is italic print


The suffix of thermometer is ____ and it means _____.

What is "meter" and what is "to measure"


The moon's gravity pulls on the Earth's oceans which creates the tides. This is why beach goers must walk further or shorter distances to reach the water on different days of the month. What causes ocean tides on earth? What is the effect of ocean tides? 

What is "moon's gravity" and what is "having to walk further or shorter distances to reach the water"


Mr. Jones was sitting on his couch watching TV when he heard a loud crash that sounded like it came from his back yard. When he went to check he found his shop window was shattered. Upon further examination, he found a baseball on the ground close to the shattered glass. He went looking around the neighborhood and saw a group of kids playing at the next house over. They had baseball gloves and a bat, but no ball. He asked them if they accidentally hit the ball over the fence, but no one spoke up. He noticed Johnny had a sad look on his face and whispered something in Sam's ear, who then looked guilty. What most likely broke Mr. Jones' window and who is most likely responsible? 

What is a baseball and Johnny and Sam


Miniature dachshunds are wonderful to have as pets. They are very playful and loving. Since they do not shed very much, they do not leave hair everywhere and are easy to clean up after. The main idea of this passage is.....

What is "why dachshunds make good pets"


This is found in the back of a nonfiction book. It lists ideas/key topics in alphabetical order and the pages you can find those ideas on. 

What is an index
