Literary Terms
The main idea of a passage, supported by all of the elements of literature within the passage.
What is central idea?
In "The Pedestrian", it is referred to as a viewing screen.
what is a tv?
Revealed in the dialogue between characters is this, his fading occupation.
What is writing?
The comments made by Mead: "What's up tonight on Channel 4, Channel 7, Channel 9?" reveal this about the author.
What is point of view?
The last paragraph emphasizes the emptiness of the streets through the use of this literary device.
What is repetition?
In literature, details that hint towards something that will happen in the future.
What is foreshadow?
It is the reason Leonard Mead is no longer employed as a writer.
What is the tv?
In "The Pedestrian" this aspect of Leonard mead's character is revealed throughout. (MC)
A. Who is a common criminal? B. Who is a regular walker? C. Who is an international spy? D. Who is an officer?
The title, "The Pedestrian" was chosen by the author for this specific purpose. (MC)
A. What is to emphasize the simplicity of Mead's actions? B. What is to highlight the laws of AD 2053? C. What is to draw attention away from central idea? D. What is to provide details of the character's action?
Leonard's reaction to the demand that he get into the car reveals this about his character.(MC)
A. who is fearful of the police? B. Who is not a criminal? C. Who is used to following directions? D What is all of the above?
In literature, the condition caused by having two opposing forces.
What is conflict?
True or false: Leonard Mead of "The Pedestrian" was approached by a police officer.
What is false?
The phrases, "metallic whisper" and "crackling quiet" emphasize the machine like quality of the police through this literary element.
What is word choice?
The author's detailed description of the walk reveals this about Leonard's actions. (MC)
A. What is walking as a favorite pass time? B. What is planning to escape the city? C. What is preparing to commit a crime? D. What is protesting a police state?
Every house in the neighborhood of "The Pedestrian" is dark with the exception of one whose owner uses light to see when he does this.
What is writing?
As an example: "The light held him fixed like a museum specimen, needle thrust through chest".
What is a simile?
True or false: Leonard is walking near his own home.
What is true?
Phrases like, "Speak up!" and "Don't speak unless you are spoken to!" reveal this reality of AD 2053. (MC)
A. What is a common wealth? B. What is a democracy? C. What is a police state? D. What is a Utopia?
"Television is leading the world in an undesirable direction" is an example of this aspect of "The Pedestrian".
A. What is author's purpose? B. What is author's choice? C. What is author's point of view? D. What is author's word choice?
The details of the last paragraph develop this this literary device defined as a situation that is opposite of what you expect it to be.
What is irony?
In literature, a feeling of wonder or excitement in anticipation of what will happen next.
What is suspense?
Leonard Mead is guilty of committing this crime in AD 2053.
What is strolling/walking?
These phrases in paragraphs 1-10 are the best evidence that Leonard has enjoyed these walks for a long time. (3)
What are "most dearly loved to do", "sometimes he would walk for hours", and "long ago he had wisely changed to sneakers".
Ray Bradbury is an American author best known for science fiction, fantasy and this genre demonstrated in "The Pedestrian".
What is dystopian?
"A man is approached by authorities and taken to an asylum because of his nightly stroll on an empty street" is an example of this understanding of literature.
What is central idea?