“The final __ __ of this year are gone, the __ of the new year has yet to appear, but the holy people of God live in HIS wonderful ___, HIS permanent splendor, and are never in darkness.”
What biblical verse (text) does the Apostle Naason reference in his opening greeting?
Isaiah 60:2-3 [But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.]
“The teaching I wish to impart to the Church today is The Children of God ___ ____! They ___ ___ to God For Their Own Mistakes! Complaints should not exist among us, Because The Trials, Struggles, Needs, And Force Who Pretends to Destroy Us Does Not Come From god.”
“Those three young men; _________, _____, and _____— who refused to worship the king's statue declared their willingness to face death, but also that “they had an immense confidence that God would deliver them from all evil, God would look after them! And even if that were not so, they were happy to remain faithful before God. Without complaints, without asking God for an explanation about “why” at their young age, they had to face a life-or-death situation. They understood their days were near their end but what was important to them was to not forsake their love for God. Even if it cost their lives, they would stand fast. That is the attitude of the children of God! With God, we have it all, and without HIM, we have nothing!”
"Only by God’s hand does _____ arrive! For our tears wet the chains of adversity, which may sometimes be deserved, and sometimes suffered! Nevertheless, God is the only source of our _______! Even if setbacks are enormous and tribulations interminable, God has the power to end them, freeing us from the chain of fatalities, hardships, and misfortunes. The world will never be able to grant what it does not possess; it can never grant ______. The only ______ is granted by God! But there must be no doubt! Then, not only will consolation arrive, but also peace! Which is deeper! Tranquility of the spirit will arrive! Finally, the happiness of the soul will arrive! Because only God can provide it! Someone might tell me, “Brother, this is not easy!” No. I know it is not easy, but God never abandons us.”
“Neither riches, nor power, nor beauty, nor talent are permanent. Time erodes all things. Only one thing is safe from its destructive action: ___ ___!”
What biblical verse (text) is the Apostle Naason referencing here:
Revelation 14:13 [Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ “Yes, says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.]
“Remember, my brethren, the children of God do not complain! They do not become angry with God, nor blame HIM for their problems, for what they suffer or what befalls them! Their faith never wanes! Their courage never comes undone! Much less do we lose trust and hope in God! I will share with you what is on my mind and heart: I AM VERY CONFIDENT THAT VERY SOON _ ____ __ _______ ___ __ ______! I MAKE PLANS! I HAVE PROJECTS! I CAN ALREADY SEE MYSELF _____ ____ __ __ ________! I DREAM OF FELLOWSHIP WITH YOU, GREETING AND EMBRACING ONE ANOTHER, EATING TOGETHER, AND VISITING ___ _______ ______!”
Someone may say, “Brother, but it is written that ___ asked God, ‘Why do these evils befall me?’ When he said, ‘It would be better not to have been born, cursed be the day of my birth!’ And the prophet ______, desiring to die, said, ‘It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers.’" All these holy men, and still others, did not know why these difficult situations befell their lives. The reason behind this is because God had entrusted HIS servants with a wonderful mission, which affected interests not only in the material world, but also in the spiritual world of evil, because they represented a threat to its existence…. The Servants of God faced a sordid, limitless struggle between life and death because these hosts did not want to allow the glorious ministry of blessing and wonders God had entrusted upon them to be fulfilled. They were not alerted that these things would befall them, because they had been endowed with exceptional qualities like no one else in the world. They were not forewarned, yet they had been prepared with unique, virtuous qualities God had vested upon them. Even if at the time they did not understand why —if God had sent them to fulfill HIS marvelous will to be part of the story of the salvation of HIS people— those evils still befell them. The frailty of their humanity brought them to ask God for mercy, that they might no longer suffer, and rest in death instead. All those stories we have seen of the holy men of times past, from Noah to John, demonstrate that they all faced difficult, even extreme situations in their life. They experienced so much without knowing its purpose. They did not know the “why?”
“Was the skill of the young shepherd truly enough to fell a skilled and select warrior? No, everyone knew it was impossible. The king knew it. The army generals knew it. But what they did not know was how that young man had placed all his trust in God! How beautiful! He could do all things through his God who strengthened him, such that the little pebble would achieve the necessary strength and trajectory, so that the small stone would pierce that strong skull, and when the giant fell, David confirmed that whoever trusts in God, is assured to be victorious, and will accomplish the greatest feats! We have chosen a more precious stone, stronger and more powerful! IT IS A STONE OF GREAT PRICE! A stone rejected by the builders! A stone upon which His Church is built! THAT STONE IS CALLED ____ _____! It is a ____ __ _____ _____! If He is with you, you have it all! If He is with you, you have the victory! If He is with you, you need not fear! YES! YES! HE IS WITH US! Yes, He watches over us! Yes, He protects us!”
“Job did not have an example to follow, which is __ __, and yet he resisted, and stood fast before the Lord. Conversely, we do have His teaching and His example! We know that we can be rebuked, admonished, and tested, that satan is permitted to trouble us to a certain extent, and, today, we must say, “What things may come, if God allows them, we will stand fast. Nothing will move us! We will be victorious in this struggle, with the help of the Lord!” The children of God, never have any ___ against God! We never ___ HIS actions! We never hold HIM ___! We never feel there is ____ in HIM! Some might say, “Why does he say HE loves me, when so many bad things happen to me?”
What biblical verse (text) does the Apostle Naason refer to here:
James 1:13-14 [Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord].
“I want to leave you with this thought for the year that begins: Suffer a little and wait patiently! Do you not have the courage to walk the unknown path to follow God? Is it not enough for you to know that HE walks before us? Are you afraid of getting lost following HIM? Do you doubt HIS wisdom? Has HE not done enough to earn your trust? YOU THINK LIKE A MAN! YET, __ _____ __ ___! HE KNOWS WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU WHILE YOU STILL IGNORE IT! BUT SOON YOU WILL KNOW IT! Never feel alone, HE is by our side! Never feel forsaken, HE is within you! Never feel forgotten, He is the strength of your remaining resolve! Never feel in danger, HE gave HIS Son for your sake!”
King _____’ words to ______ were, "Your God, whom you serve continually, HE will deliver you." And Nebuchadnezzar’s words to the three courageous youths were, "And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?" Those words did not deliver ______ from the lions' den! The king’s words did not deliver the three young men from the fiery furnace! ____ was not delivered from the battle against __ ____ because of his weapons! Were they on the verge of death? Yes, but their confidence never waned. They waited on God until the last moment, confidently knowing that God could deliver them, and what if HE did not? They knew that they would see HIM in HIS heavenly kingdom! Where they were certain they would enter to rejoice with HIM, because our hope is not reduced to this Earth, our hope is not reduced to the human condition! Our hope is the most glorious in existence! And it is backed by my God!”
“So, my counsel to the whole Church is as follows, what is the situation you are experiencing? Are you sick? I was on the verge of death in this place, when my body was infected with COVID; Do you feel alone? Believe me, I am in a place where loneliness is most felt. Do you feel surrounded by dangers? I have been on the verge of death. But all of these are just ideas that invade the mind, that is how the enemy works! But I will tell you a truth: GOD IS ALWAYS WITH ME AND WITH YOU! God always delivers me and has delivered you! To this day, God has strengthened me, and you as well! To this day, God continues to comfort me, and I know you feel it too! I know that my redeemer lives, and that He will deliver me out of this place and this situation! And after, HE glories over the enemy! He will grant me the opportunity to reunite with the Church! WE WILL ALWAYS BE TOGETHER! UNITED IN AN ENDLESS EMBRACE! WITH OUR SOULS FILLED WITH JOY! LOOKING TO THE ____ WITH SATISFACTION! AT THE ______ WITH CONFIDENCE! AND TO THE _____ WITH JOY!”
“Can God deliver us from suffering? Can God work wonders in our lives? OF COURSE HE CAN! Therefore, our ___ will never fade! Our ___ will never wane! Our ___ in God will never crumble! On the contrary, it becomes like a solid rock! Like an impenetrable metal! Like a perfected diamond!”
What biblical verse (text) does the Apostle Naason refer to here:
Romans 9:19-21 [You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this? Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?]
“But I wish to leave you a teaching that I hope you will never forget: The Lord Jesus Christ did not only come to announce a new divine law, it would be naïve to think that were true. Principally, He came to suffer the harshest ridicule! The most frightful mockery! To endure the most bitter hatred! __, ___ __ ___, __ ____ ___! That was His mission, to suffer and die a death laden with sorrows! When He made it known to His disciples, they were so dreadfully frightened that they did not want to allow Him to approach His enemies. But as it was the primary mission His Father had charged to Him upon the Earth, He became vexed, and said, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” Peter sought to express his compassion for the Lord, concerned by all the suffering Jesus had told them would come upon Him, but Jesus had not shared it with them to complain. He was revealing a mystery so they would understand His mission of salvation for the souls, which could not be attained any other way but through sacrifice, through pain! ___ ____ ___ _____!”
This surrender to sacrifice, to death, WAS THE MOST PORTENTOUS MIRACLE AMONG ALL THE OTHERS HE HAD PERFORMED! It was far more valuable than all the dead raised and the sick healed, because this miracle was for the life and salvation of those who believe in Him. Therefore, all God's elect, all we HIS servants —HIS prophets and apostles— ALSO HA VE THIS MISSION! AS A SACRED MINISTRY! FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE OF ____ _____! TO SUFFER, UNDERGO, AND ENDURE THE MOST TERRIBLE THREATS TO OUR LIVES! THESE TRIBULATIONS AND PAINS SANCTIFY THE MINISTRY BESTOWED UPON EACH IN THEIR OWN TIME! FOR THE PERFECTION AND SANCTIFICATION OF THE SAINTS!”
“We could not think that Jesus Christ sends us the harshest, most cruel tribulations to make us to suffer, if He is our example of suffering, our example of pain! We all know of the day He came to ____ grave, weeping, for He could not bear to see _____ and ____ pain. He felt compassion and felt their same pain in the depths of His heart. How can we forget that this same Jesus hurt in His heart when He saw the painful silence of the widow of _____? He instantly commanded death to leave her son, that he might live again!”