Using Context Clues
Evidence that supports the Author's Idea/ Theory / Claim
Point of View
Main / Central Idea
Definition, synonym, antonym, inference, and example
What are the main types of context clues?
Looking at section 2, What evidence supports the claim taht there might be an effect on student's relationships from texting too much?
"Some people worry that because teens text so much, they don't spend enough time talking with others face-to-face. That could be hurting their relationships with friends and family."
Dana leapt across the stage at the ballet recital, proud of her perfect form. She was so happy that day. What is the point of view of the passage?
Third person limited
What is the main idea of section 1? a. teens are texting more than ever before b. two teens are texting too much c. no one cares
What are context clues?
They are ways you can determine the meaning of words.
The women felt "oppressed" by the men. They were being treated unfairly because the men wanted power. What does "oppressed" mean? What type of context clue is being used?
being treated unfairly because someone wants power, definition
In section 3, what does it say "sleep texting" is?
"Dr. Dowdell says that it's common for teens' sleep to be interrupted by texts. Sometimes teens even send texts filled with nonsense words when they don't wake up all the way."
I couldn't promise my brother a trip to the ice cream store after school, but there was a chance we could go. I told him we could do it after homework. What is the point of view of the passage?
first person
What is the central idea of section 2? a. teens are alright b. teens need sleep c. teens are texting too much and it takes away from other things
What is figurative language?
words or expressions that have different meanings than what it says
After talking to the "amicable" man, she couldn't stand talking to the grumpy one. What does "amicable" mean? What type of context clue is being used?
kind/nice, antonym
What does the word "adolescents" mean in Dr. Dowdell's quote about sleep needs, in section 3?
Adolescents are people who need a "solid 8, 10, even 11 hours of sleep to really function and think clearly."
To check a flat inner tube on your bicycle, you must first remove the wheel from the bicycle. Next, use a tire lever along the wheel rim to pull the edge of the tire out the wheel. What is the point of view used in this passage?
second person
What is the central idea of section 3? a. teens need more sleep b. teens need to stop texting to get sleep c. teens are texting too much at night
What are inferences?
conclusions you make by looking at story clues and using your background knowledge

Read these sentences from the last paragraph:

"The description makes clear that vikings were not simple marauders who traveled the seas. They built a wealthy town through trade as well as looters.." What does "marauders" mean? What type context clue is being used?
looters, synonym
After reading section 5, do you think that Franchesca will continue to use her phone as often as she did? Use evidence from the text.
No because it says, "Franchesca decided to continue the experiment for a while."
Even before I opened my eyes, I heard Omar, my little brother, banging his toy drum. "Go away!" I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head. It wasn't even six in the morning. What is the point of view used in this passage?
first person
What is the central idea of section 4? a. no one knows b. teens are too crazy texting c. there was an experiment
What does QUEST stand for?
question, underline, eliminate, star, test
Mrs. DeGouff couldn't think because of the "delirious" children running around. What does "delirious" mean? What type of context clue is being used?
crazy, inference
After reading section six, do you think a teen who checks his phone every five minutes, and his mood changes when he doesn't have access to it, might have an addiction? Use 2 pieces of evidence to support your answer.
Yes because it says "Thinking you hear your phone ring or vibrate, even though it is not there." It also says, "feeling anxious, lonely, or worried.
Carla and Santos hiked along the dirt path through the woods. Carla noticed that it was growing dark, and she was beginning to feel nervous. Santos was also feeling afraid and wanted to go home as quickly as possible.
third person omniscient
What is the central idea of section 6?
Teens are having trouble and are addicted to technology.
What is close reading
analysis of the text that allows the reader to get a deeper understanding of the text