Building, Equipment, and Drills
Supervision of Children
Health and Infection Control
Program Requirements
Infants and Toddlers

What document do we use to ensure protective caps, covers or permanently installed obstructive devices must be used on all electrical outlets that are accessible to children. 

What is the daily opening checklist? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.5 (y) pg. 16


Children cannot be left without ____________  ____________. This includes an awareness of and responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child. 

What is competent supervision?

Regulation: 418  -1.8 (a)  pg. 21

* Note: It requires all children be within a teacher's range of vision and that the teacher be near enough to respond when redirection or intervention strategies are needed.  This must take into account the child's age, emotional, physical, and cognitive development.


What document(s) ensure all rooms, equipment, surfaces, supplies and furnishings accessible to children are cleaned.  These documents also ensure premises are kept clean, free of dampness, odors, and the accumulation of trash.  They ensure we are free of vermin.  Garbage receptacles are covered and cleaned as needed after emptying.  Mouthed toys are cleaned.  Blankets/sheets are laundered at least weekly or before use by another child.  Cribs, cots, beds, etc. are cleaned.  Toileting and diaper changing areas are kept clean. 

What is the classroom cleaning checklist? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.11 (i)(6 - 18)  pg. 45-46


This is the distance cribs/cots must be apart from each other while children are sleeping. 

What is 2 feet? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.7 (r)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) pg. 20

We do follow a 3 foot rule.  This is because Caring for our Children: Sleeping Equipment and Supplies - states cots/cribs must be 3 feet apart. 

DAILY DOUBLE:  True or False - Infants may sleep in car seats, baby swings, infant seats, bouncy seats, or strollers.  If they fall alseep in one of these items, it is ok to leave them there. 


This document ensures that parents understand our plan for introducing age appropriate solid foods. 

What is the Infant-Toddler Feeding Plan? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.12 (y)


Acronym M.A.T stands for this

What is Medication Administration Training? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.11 (c)(2)(vii)(a, b, and c) pg. 32

* MAT Staff are the only staff that can ACCEPT and administer prescription medications.  MAT staff must be 18 years of age, possess CPR of the ages of children in care, and have successfully completed MAT training. 


True or False:  You can leave your pocketbook out, as long as there are no choking hazards or dangerous items inside. 

What is False? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.5 (aa)  pg. 16

The following items must be used and stored in such a manner that they are not accessible to children: handbags, backpacks, or briefcases belonging to adults; plastic bags; and toys and objects small enough for young children to swallow. 


Peeling or damaged _________ or __________ must be covered and a work order written immediately. 

What is paint or plaster? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.3 (h)  pg. 7


Ratio requirements and maximum group size for Infants, as well as toddlers? 

What is 1:4 for infants, with a max group size of 8?

What is 1:5 for toddlers, with a max group size of 12?  Head start requires a ratio of 1:4, so we always follow that, as it is the strictest. 

Regulation: 418 - 1.8 (j)(k)(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)  pg. 22

* DAILY DOUBLE - What is the youngest infant we will accept in the center? 


What document makes sure staff are aware of each child's special health care needs, identified in the child's individual health care plan.  This includes but is not limited to allergies and medical conditions. 

What is the health and allergy list? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.11 (b)(13)  pg. 32

*Note:  This regulation also includes knowledge of disabilities health care plans (for children with services, IEP's, IFSP's, etc.), which happens through multiple means of communication with the disabilities manager.  


Children unable to sleep during nap time shall not be confined to a sleeping surface (cot, crib, etc.), but instead must be offered ____ _____________  _____________ ______ __________ __________. 

What is a supervised place for quiet play? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.7 (w)  pg. 20

DAILY DOUBLE: What form do parents sign notifying them of our arrangements in writing for sleeping and naptime. 


How often we change children's diapers. 

What is every 2 hours? 

Although every 2 hours is not listed in the regulations as a specific time.  It is what our centers follow.  It is best practice and can be found in Caring For Our Children. Checking For the Need to Change Diapers  - This states that a child's diaper should be visibly checked every 2 hours.  If you check more often (especially when potty training, has a rash, etc.), you can document "dry" on the tracking sheet with the time you checked. 


Must be documented every time it is used on a child.

What are over the counter topicals? 


True or False:  Animals on site must present no evidence of disease or parasite or pose no threat.  All animals that require a license must be licensed. Vaccinations must be current and available to OCFS.  Parents must be provided with a written description of all animals kept on premise prior to enrollment, and within 24 hours first on site, we must provide written notice to the office and parents. 

What is true? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.5 (l)(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 10) pg. 14


An __________ ___________ or ___________ ____________  ____________ must be kept in each classroom.  Such equipment must be properly maintained for use in the event of a power failure. 

What is an operable flashlight or battery powered lantern? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.5 (r) pg. 15


Only at the very beginning and very end of the day and only if the proper ratio can be followed. (Between opening and 8 am and after 5 pm)

When can toddlers and preschoolers be combined into one group?

At the beginning of each day, before and after the administration of medications, when they are dirty, after toileting or assisting children with toileting, after changing a diaper, before and after food handling or eating, after handling pets or other animals, after contact with any bodily secretion or fluid, and after coming in from outdoors. 

When staff should wash their hands? 

Regulation 418 - 1.11 (i)(1) pg. 44

Children hand washing - Regulation 418 - 1.11 (i)(2) pg. 44 - Remember NAEYC and our Health Care Plan outline even more times children should wash hands, such as upon arrival to a new location, before and after sensory play, etc.  We always follow the strictest regulation. 


This is required for all children in care, except during inclement or extreme weather or unless otherwise ordered by a health care provider. 

What is daily supervised outdoor play? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.7 (k)  pg. 19

This type of disposable cup or plate may never be used with infants and toddlers. 

What are styrofoam? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.12 (m)

*Although the regulation states only styrofoam cups may not be used with infants and toddlers, we do not use any styrofoam with this age group. DOH has also banned use of styrofoam in Suffolk County, so all styrofoam will be phased out. 


All employees of the Birth to Five Program are ______________ _____________.   They are required to immediately report any suspected incidents of child abuse or maltreatment concerning a child receiving child care to the SCR. 

What are Mandated Reporters? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.10 (c)

Our program has a child abuse and maltreatment reporting procedure.  This has been reviewed with all staff.  If you would like an updated copy, please see your manager. 


True or False: Consumption of or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited.  Consumption of or being under the influence of a controlled substance is illegal unless prescribed by a medical professional and used as directed, as well as does not interfere with a staff member's ability to function. Smoking indoor and outdoor in children's areas is prohibited. 

What is true? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.11 (b) (8, 9, 10, 11) pg. 32


This drill must be held twice a year, during which procedures and supplies are reviewed.  Parents must be made aware of this drill in advance. 

What is shelter in place? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.5 (b)(4)  pg. 12


The proper ratio when pre-k and toddlers are combined

What is the 1:5 toddler ratio?


Use of this item is prohibited to be used on children under the age of 2. 

What is hand sanitizer? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.11 (i)(4)(ii)  pg. 44

Hand sanitizer is available in the building and should only be used on adults. Children should always be brought to a sink with soap and water.  Regulations state:  When soap and running water is not available, hand sanitizer may be used by children, staff and volunteers on visibly clean hands.  Package directions must be followed including supervision of children so that ingestion does not occur. 

i. When soap and running water is not available and hands are visibly soiled, individual wipes may be used in combination with hand sanitizer. 

ii. The use of hand sanitizers on children under the age of two years is prohibited. 


As written in the licensing regulations, this may never be used to solely occupy time.  When being used, it must be part of a developmentally appropriate program with an educational, social, physical or other learning objective that includes identified goals and objectives. 

What is television and other electronic visual media? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.7 (h)  pg. 19

DAILY DOUBLE:  What age group is NEVER allowed exposure to television and other electronic media? 

Except while sleeping, awaking, or going to sleep, an infant must not be left in a crib, playpen or other confined space for more than ____________ at any one time.  Other than at meals or snack time, a child must not be left in a high chair for longer than ______________. 

What is 30 minutes and 15 minutes? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.7 (l)  pg. 19



These must be posted in a place readily accessible to parents and The Office. 

These must be posted in a discreet location visible only to staff. 

What are current menus and individual children's food allergies

Regulation: 418 - 1.12 (ak) pg. 51    and  418 - 1.12 (am) pg. 51


Staff and volunteers must take suitable precautions to prevent children from receiving burns caused by contact with ________ ___________.

What is hot liquids? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.5 (ac)  pg. 17

Coffee CANNOT be stored in the classroom (even in a cabinet or closet).  ONLY WATER is allowed in the classroom and it must be labeled with your first and last name. 


These must be posted conspicuously on or next to all center telephones. 

What are 911 and Poison Control? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.5 (m)(2) pg. 14


Every staff member has signed this form, which states the use of any type of personal electronic media device for social or entertainment purposes, including but not limited to, listening to music on headphones, playing screen games, surfing the internet, sending emails or making personal calls while supervising children is prohibited.

What is our cell phone policy?

Regulation: 418 - 1.8 (n)  pg. 24


This must be completed every day when children arrive.  It is one reason why we never accept a sleeping child. 

What is a daily health check? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.11 (c)(2) pg. 32

This regulation refers to the requirement of documenting how a daily health check will be completed.  Our program has a Health Care Plan, which is kept in the Center Director's Office.  It is available for you to read at any time and outlines our Daily Health Check procedure. 


Space must be provided so that children's ___________   ______________ may be stored separately. 

What are personal items? 

Regulation 418 - 1.3 (s) pg. 9


This document ensures that we have a written statement from the parent of each infant in care setting forth breast milk, formula and feeding schedule instructions for the infant and updated as changes are made.  This document also designates in writing that staff members are the qualified, designated people who will prepare formula. 

What is the Child's Individual Schedule? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.12 (w) and (x)


True or False:  A SEIT in your classroom, is able to discipline a small group of children that they are working with. 

What is false? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.9 (l)

A child may only be disciplined by a director, group teacher or assistant teacher.  In our program, we have a wider array of titles than most daycares, so discipline can happen by a Birth to Five staff member when appropriate. 


This area must be as close as possible to a sink with soap and hot/cold running water.  This area and sink may not be used for food preparation. 

What is diaper changing area? 

Regulation 418 - 1.3 (l)(4) pg. 8  also 418 - 1.11 (i)(18)(iii) pg. 46

DAILY DOUBLE:  Please describe the difference between a food prep sink and a hand washing sink. 


Evacuation drills must be conducted at least ___________, during various hours of operation.  When conducting evacuation drills, the ________  __________ must be varied to ensure that all approved means of egress are practiced. 

What is monthly and exit route? 

Regulations: 418 - 1.4 (b)(1) and (2) pg. 9


The document we use to enforce no child can be released from the child day care center to any person other than his or her parent, a person(s) currently designated in writing by such parent to receive the child, or another person authorized by law to take custody of a child. 

What is the release authorization form? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.8 (p)(1)  pg. 25

DAILY DOUBLE:  Give me an example of each person categorized in the prompt. 


All containers or bottles of breast milk, formula or other individualized food items and personal hygiene items must be clearly marked with _______ _________ _________ _________. 

What is the child's complete name? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.12 (z)  pg. 50

Although the regulation for OCFS does not specify in this specific regulation that diaper creams must be labeled with child's first and last name we still do that as a best practice because it is in our health care plan.  Tooth brushes and pacifiers are considered and individualized food items. 


Number of training hours required across all 10 categories by: 

* an employee every 2 years

* a new employee

* minimum number of training hours per employee per year

What is 30 hours every 2 years? 

What is 15 hours in their first 6 months? 

What is 5 hours of training? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.14 (c)(1 and 2)


Name as many specifics about infant feeding as are written in licensing regulations.  There are 9 we are looking for: 

1. Unused portions of bottles/containers children are spoon fed from must be discarded after each feeding or sent home in a tied bag. 

2. You can never heat feeding items for a child in a microwave oven. 

3. Devices used to warm feeding items for children cannot exceed 120 degrees.

4. You cannot hold an infant while removing a bottle or food from a warming device. 

5. Warming devices must be kept out of the reach of children. 

6. Infants 6 months and younger must be held while bottle feeding.

7. Propping of bottles is prohibited. 

8. Infants and toddlers must be placed in an appropriate chair for feeding. 

9. Children may not be placed in the crib with bottle, food or drink. 

Regulation 418 - 1.12 (aa - ak) pg. 50-51


This document describes the prohibited actions teachers may not take and how our staff will discipline children. 

Prohibited actions include:
* Isolating a child in a closet, darkened area, or any area where they child cannot be seen/supervised. * Time out.  A child may be briefly separated from a group to re-gain control and then re-join the group. * Physical restraint. * Corporal punishment  * Withholding or using food, rest, or sleep as punishment.  * Methods of discipline, interaction or toilet training which frighten, demean or humiliate a child. 

What is our Plan for Behavior Management? 

Regulation: 418 - 1.9 (c)(f-g)

All staff have been provided a copy of this plan.  If you would like a new copy, please see your supervisor. 


Describe the process and forms used to ensure all children are accounted for at all times. 

Attendance - children are signed in immediately upon arrival and departure. 

Name to Face - staff look at each child and mark them on their name to face form when leaving an area.  Before leaving they communicate with staff how many children are in care and confirm all staff have the same number.  Upon arrival at the destination they look at each child and mark them on the sheet, confirming a total head count with the other staff in the room. 

If the group must split - they use the name to face splitting form.  The staff takes the form and the children with them, and leaves a post it note on the attendance book with the list of children who left the class. 

Staff must ALWAYS know how many children are in their care at all times. No hesitations, no questions asked. 
